HATCH Experience is currently curating partnerships for HATCHexperience, HATCHedu, and the HATCH mentorship platform. Want to help HATCH a better world with us?
Email yarrow@HATCHexperience.org, or contact us via the form on our Contact page.
Make sure to check out our Individual Contributors ↓ below!
Hosting Partner

Friends of HATCH / Individual Contributors
- Alicia & Mike Alford
- George Bradt
- Ania Bulis
- Elias Cattan (#becauseofHATCH 1% supporter)
- Tim Christensen
- Charles Cumbaa
- Paul Decker, Music Villa
- Kathy & Martin Dudley
- Per Emanuelsson, CEO of Soundtrap.com
- Stephanie & Greg Guyette
- William “Whurley” Hurley
- Kirsten & Mike King
- Brad & Melissa Levine
- Mark & Jenny Mummert
- Lee & Lathie Poole
- Phil & Jennifer Satre
- Tim & Robin Sheehan
- Jeremiah Slovarp, Jereco Studios and Montana State University
- Madeline Valgenti
- John Yoder
- John Zirkle, Music Educator
- Josh and Amy Vance
- James Nam and Sun Park
- Lynn and Kurt Kelley
- Hunter Parks (MMH 48 LLC)
- Raj Garapati and Jyoti Patel
- David and Kate Mortenson
- Carl and Barbara Ueland
- Tarpon Dreams, LLC
Patreon Supporters (Become a patron)
- Mark Brand
- Elias Cattan
- Fred Dent
- Steven Duong
- Elysa Fenenbock
- Elke Govertsen
- Shannon Hughes
- Eric James
- Holly Janssen
- Amber Jean
- Rory O-Connor
- Beno Oppenheimer
- Mary Anne Richman
- Marilu Salvador
- Jennifer Sparks
- Pete Strom
- Raquel Villarreal