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HATCH Panama 2016 Bios (full)

Aaron Prairie

Kalu Yala Biology Director


Aaron Prairie is an ecologist who focuses on insects and tropical soil ecosystems. After acquiring a BS in Biology and BS in Chemistry from the University of New Mexico he became the Biology Director for the Kalu Yala Institute in the province of Panamá, Panama. With the Institute, he is working to create a sustainable community and continue to build the ecological knowledge base of the Tres Brazos valley.


1905 Girard Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
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My real life superpower is...

Wildcrafting. I have the ability to adapt to any natural environment and understand complex relationships between a multitude of organisms.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Environmental conservation and projects striving to achieve sustainability by challenging institutionalized norms.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Publication and professional outreach.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

The scientific method and question formation.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't stress. If you are unhappy, you need change.

Adriana Kertzer

Chestnut Hill Advisory Partners LLC


Author of Favelization, book published by the Cooper Hewitt Museum about the use of references to Brazilian slums to brand luxury items. Pro-active design entrepreneur, digital product manager, curator, and writer. Experience with complex analogue and digital projects, exhibit design, digital research, and creative placemaking. Able to apply drafting skills developed as a corporate lawyer to cultural, real estate and tech-related projects. Fluent in Portuguese, English and Italian. Passionate about furniture design, arts policy, digital culture, and transnational project management.


252 East 61st Street
Apt. S6G
New York, New York 10065
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My real life superpower is...

Adding order to chaos

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Adele and The Eagles

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Innovation Crush (podcast) and Favelization (book)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

How to use hotel development to spark creative placemaking in econonomically disadvantaged communities and how to craft more careful branding/storytelling around sensitive socio-economic issues.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Negotiations, creative placemaking, real estate, publishing.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Personal digital marketing.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Craft a flexible definition of success because life (and particularly the life of a creative/entrepreneur) is anything but linear, simple and easy.

Adriana Roquer

Personal CrossFit Trainer


I am Adriana, I am a personal CrossFit Trainer, work for CrossFit HQ. Love being a wife and a mother.


Calle 1era Parque Lefevre, 4-A
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

White strips and Dave Mathews Band

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Rest day podcast/ the life changing magic of tyiding up

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

More after school activities to keep kids out of streets and gangs, in certain areas of Panama City.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

help me be more organized.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Motivation, health and fitness.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Live!!! do good for others, love with all your heart, enjoy every second of your day. Work hard!!!

Adriana Pavon

Mexico Cultura Y Orgullo


Adriana Pavon is a Mexican entrepreneur, fashion designer and artist advocate. Her ingenuity in fashion began by the age of 13. Today, she is the founder of The Detroit Fashion District, an entrepreneurial ecosystem that helps designers grow their independent labels into successful businesses. She is also actively involve in empowering indigenous artists in Mexico; recently, Adriana Pavon launched the Mexico Culture & Pride initiative, to empower consumers to own sustainable fashion accessories that help create jobs for indigenous artists around the world.


sadi carnot 39 int b201
col san rafael cuauthemoc
Mexico City, Mexico city 06470
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My real life superpower is...

Empowering people to become the best version of themselves and creating synergetic relationships.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Jessica and the Deltas

Tlayudas y blanditas

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Don't listen to podcast or watch TV

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Sustainability and Education

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

" Finance and project management"

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Eco- Fashion design, Product development and education structures of small indigenous communities

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

" Be yourself"

Aithan Shapira



Internationally-recognized visual artist, Aithan’s PhD research in creative process extracts the roots of art-making that he has since planted into tech, business, finance & education strategy, prototyping on innovation teams, organizational structure and culture. From living with Aboriginal Australians over 3 years researching innovation in cultures of survival to TEDx, MIT’s Hacking Arts, Summit Series, and workshopping toolkits at MIT Sloan, Aithan is co-founder of limeSHIFT and the Global Institute for the Arts & Leadership. He lives in Boston with his wife, their baby daughter & old dog.


154 Beacon Street, No. 4
Boston, MA 02116
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My real life superpower is...

Enabling people's best innovative thinking

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Brad Mehldau
Keith Jarrett

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Dreamtigers by Jorge Luis Borges
Youthnation by Matt Britton

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

1-Creativity: Enabling people's best innovative thinking by bringing creative strategies to education and product and strategy labs.
2-Climate Change: Bring most effective creative strategies to support radical climate change ventures.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Venture capital

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Creative solutions, prototyping, art, making to think, cooking

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

If you can paint it in black and white, then you know what you're saying.

Alan Macy

R&D Director / BIOPAC Systems, Inc.


Alan Macy is the R&D Director, past president and a founder of BIOPAC Systems, Inc. He designs data analysis systems that help identify signals produced by life processes. He is currently focusing on psychophysiology, emotional/motivational state measurements, magnetic resonance imaging and virtual reality implementations. His recent research and artistic efforts explore ideas of human nervous system extension and the associated impacts upon perception. As an applied science artist, he specializes in the creation of cybernated art, interactive sculpture and environments.


1423 Kenwood Road
Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara
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My real life superpower is...

Infrastructure creation

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

David Bowie
Nahko and Medicine for the People

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Cycle of the Year - by Rudolf Steiner
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - by Douglas Hofstadter

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Community Development
Educational Systems

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Community development, social media, cooking

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Social and facility establishment to support activities related to small business incubation, scientific inquiry, technical development and artistic expression.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Engage with people. Your environment is your responsibility. Complaining is unhealthy.

Aleiya Evison

Kalu Yala


I am currently a student at the Kalu Yala Institute in San Miguel, Panama, living in a community of impassioned young people who want to make a positive impact on our planet. Back home I am a student at the University of Oregon where I study the intersection of race, activism, and education. I have a passion for transformational school systems that challenge conventional notions of what it means to be "educated", and hope to found a Think Tank in the U.S. that creates holistic policy change grounded in social justice. Other passions include Lauryn Hill, fresh mangoes, and goats


1361 E 21st ave
Eugene, OR 97403
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My real life superpower is...

From friends to strangers, I have the ability to help most anyone see their inherent worth. A deep believer of optimism, I am passionate abo

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Mat Corby and Lucius

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I am obsessed with figuring out how to make school awesome for everyone. I want to see a world where kids LOVE school, where they grow up in academic environments that empower their individual spirit’s to flourish. Most specifically, I want to eradicate the U.S. school-to-prison pipeline, which disproportionately marginalizes students of color and students with disabilities. I want kids to be thriving in the classroom, regardless of ability, race, gender, or background. The magnificent potential that lays in the minds of children must be protected and celebrated at all costs.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love to be mentored by someone who embodies courage and an ability to be bold in their ideas without fear of failure. I want to be surrounded by people who have no reservations regarding the destruction of oppressive systems. I want to learn how to not be intimidated by systems of authority, and more assured in capacity to impact tangible change.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I love diving into topics of race, justice, and equity. If someone is struggling to figure out how to have a conversation about these issues with a loved one/co-worker/friend, I would be more than happy to workshop ideas that will get the message across in a way that is rooted in compassion, patience, and integrity.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Sunshine cannot be your constant state of existence- it’s ok and NECESSARY for you to break down sometimes and show the world when you are struggling. You’re not weak when you feel broken or lost. Those experiences are what build your beautiful story of transformation.

Alena Kelleher

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


I am a botany student from Denver, Colorado who is currently studying at the Kalu Yala Institute in Panama for the Spring 2016 semester. I have a deep passion for plants, positivity, and permaculture ethics. I hope to someday harmoniously integrate the deep wisdom that plants and ecosystems have to offer within our modern-day societies. When I’m not exploring the forest, you can find me tearing up the dance floor.


4565 Walden Ct.
Loveland, CO 80538
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My real life superpower is...

My real life superpower is compassion. Ultimately, as my compassion “muscles” grow I can more positively impact the world.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

HOMESHAKE and Father John Misty

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Slaughterhouse Five – Kurt Vonnegut
And I would recommend that everyone listen to any podcast by Radiolab

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

If I could activate the global HATCH network on a specific challenge, it would be bioremediation of our Mother Earth. Whether that is bioremediation in the form of mycelium devouring plastics, using plants and fungi to purify and clean our waters, or finding new bio-solutions to other environmental problems we presently face. I think the HATCH network could be key in designing efficient ways to globally apply these solutions. Most importantly, though, I would like to see HATCH educating and, in turn, empowering the public about these solutions that exist.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I want to learn about how to face the fear of failure head on with confidence, courage, and grace. I would love to dive even deeper with a mentor into the tangible solutions for making a local, positive environmental impact. Also, being mentored by a medicinal plant whiz would be a dream come true.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Having faced an immense amount of adversity and hardship already in my 21 years, I feel like I can offer mentorship to others on how to face hardship with a positive attitude. I excel in cognitive reframing and positive perspective shifts.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Feeling sad and despaired won’t last forever. Everyone has at one time or another felt just as lost and as lonely as you are feeling. Have patience, compassion, and love for yourself.

Alex Cuthbert

Sr. Director of UX, PicsArt


Alex Cuthbert is the Sr. Director of User Experience at PicsArt, a global creative community with a powerful suite of mobile drawing, collage, photography, and camera apps. Previously he was the lead designer for Google Translate and worked on understanding and developing solutions for users in China, Japan, UK, India, & Brazil. He has a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and degrees in Computer Science and Spanish from Dartmouth College.


6626 Woodland Place
Oakland, California 94611
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My real life superpower is...

Endless creativity and optimism

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Apocalypse girl (heaven music)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The spiritual foundations of Aikido

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

How to connect creatives globally around shared interests.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How to tell better stories.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

How to create habits that empower you to discover and align your goal line and your soul line. How to become a user experience designer and entrepreneur. How to work in international markets and build global mobile products. Connecting people through creative interests, visual identify, and communities.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Take more risks to connect with people and create the most amazing and seemingly impossible experiences that enable growth at the edge of what is comfortable and familiar.

Alexander Hadden

Alex / White Manhattan Media


'75 Spielberg. '80 Lucas. '88 Morris. '94 Tarantino. '05 Nolan. '13 Jonze. '14 Inarritu.


739 N. Croft Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90069
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Roots

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Ready Player One
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

What is the most popular music genre at the moment?

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business affairs.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Alex, it really doesn't matter what other people say.

Alfonso Grimaldo

Editor at Nueva Nación


Journalist, lawyer, economic analyst. Seven years experience in investment and banking law, three years in economic journalism. Founder and co-editor of Nueva Nación, a news brief for executives and people-on-the-go, and Tabulario, an online digital data archive for Panama. Always in for a good conversation.


Via Argentina
Bella Vista
Panama City, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Gustavo Cerati and Señor Loop.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Book, by Alan Watts, and Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

It would be to review and discuss the current available advanced educational research in order to produce interesting and viable practical alternatives so that we can begin replacing our current education models; helping bridge theory and practice. Also, send HATCHers to public schools in order to motivate students to develop personal success paths apart from those provided as cookie-cutter models by the school system.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business management. Media and community management.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Effective writing. Public speaking. Persuasive writing.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be more aware of what seeds you can plant now in your mind, in the world and in others than in time you will be able to reap. Meditate more and better. Don't take yourself to seriously, but never fail to stand up courageously for what you think is right.

Alice Beth

Independent Content Creator


A content creator for inspiring projects. Floridian transplant in Panama, Alice Beth has spent the last 4 years living in & writing about the isthmus. She teams up with people and places she finds inspiring to create awesome content that makes an impact. (Personally, she's into non-fiction books, surfing, modern applications of Buddhism, and that feeling you get when you step into the sunlight.) (....she also finds writing in 3rd person kind of awkward.)


Calle 2
Casco Viejo
Panama, Panama 000000
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My real life superpower is...

Rereading particularly important books (to me) to the point of borderline memorization.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

John Murphy (Composer.) This Will Destroy You (Indie Instrumental.)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Young Entrepreneurs Lifestyle Podast, Fizzle

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Empowering Latin American women through technology training, skill-building, and mindset shifts.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Tech-centric social entrepreneurialism. I have long wanted to get involved and have real skills / passion to contribute....but could use a guide in getting started.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Creating and distributing content to promote a project, vision, idea. Blogging, copywriting, web design, social media. Expat-ism.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Strike the best possible balance between deep, isolated work and unstructured social collaboration. Both are crucial.

Amanda Ravenhill

Executive Director, Project Drawdown


Amanda Joy Ravenhill is the Executive Director and Co-founder of Project Drawdown, a global organization conducting groundbreaking data-driven research on 100 of the most impactful climate solutions and making that research widely available through an international book, open-source database and interactive platform. Prior to Project Drawdown, Amanda was a Professor of Sustainable Business at Presidio Graduate School, co-founder of The Hero Hatchery, Head of Business Partnerships at 350.org, Executive Director of Ananay and held an Americorp Fellowship. She is inspired by Buckminster Fuller.


1206 Haight St
SF, CA 94117
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My real life superpower is...

I'm the queen of silver linings. I can always find a lesson learned or positive take on any situation.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Dominque Dumont

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Grass, Soil, Hope- Courtney White
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth- Buckminster Fuller

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Solutions to climate disruption including regenerative agriculture and other terrestrial carbon sink techniques.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

designing and building web platforms, fundraising.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Climate change, regenerative agriculture, systems thinking, women's leadership, social enterprise, non-profit management.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

There is always a way to create shared value in any relationship. The goal of humanity is to design a world in which no one is at the disadvantage of anyone else. Be bold in your commitment to that goal.

Amber Jean

artist/Amber Jean Studio


Amber lives a storied life at the end of a road near the top of a mountain in Montana where she carves trees in a “luminous gesture of love toward nature and humankind.” TEDx speaker, writer and adventurer, she creates healing sanctuaries for hospitals. Declared by WOOD magazine as one of “America’s Woodworking Greats,” Amber has been featured on the “Wood Sculpting” TV series produced by DIY, the Oxygen Network “Pure Oxygen” show and a documentary series filmed by Nestbox Collective. Her healing art sculpture installation was voted “Top 25” out of 1500 artists from 53 countries at Art Prize.


1106 West Park
Livingston, MT 59047
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My real life superpower is...

Intuition. My intuition is magical, vivid, strong, sparkly; an intricately woven spider’s web which lures, inspires, captivates and creates.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Frankly I am not band-saavy...

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Tim Ferris podcast and the book "BIG Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear" by Elizabeth Gilbert

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

My carved tree sculpture sanctuaries offer comfort, contemplation, hope and healing in hospitals and cancer centers. People feel a connection to nature and comfort in my work, which embraces the dark and light moments of being human. I would like to activate the HATCH network to support me on Patreon – a site created to crowd fund artists. I am a maker and a giver. HATCH network can help spread the word so I can make art that makes a difference.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Always learning. Often lost. I would love an accountability partner for action plan commitments. Mentorship in PR and social media resources/campaigns would be helpful.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

My intuition is a strong tool for mentoring. I have a keen sense for motivating stuck and scared people. Wisdom acquired through challenge backed plenty of stories and humor to illustrate, I help stuck people look creatively at solutions. Inspiration and spark.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't be afraid to ask. For anything.

Amy Westberg

Student, Kalu Yala Institute / Agriculture


A social activist to the core, Amy Westberg is a passionate advocate for those who have been marginalized, experiencing homelessness, and at risk youth. At the young age of 17 she asked herself, "How do we end the cycle of poverty?" This question has driven her to find best practices in alternative sustainable housing, experiential education, and local food security.
Amy currently resides in Panama as an Agriculture Intern for the Kalu Yala Research Institute. While here, she hopes to understand how to build empowering communities which inspire individuals to be their creative selves.


5118 Lenville Rd.
Moscow, Idaho 83843
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My real life superpower is...

Empowering my fellow neighbors to recognize their unique virtues in order to elevate their individual superpowers they hold.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Avett Brothers and Broken Bells

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World by Wade Davis
This Changes Everything by Naomie Klein

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Not enough is being done for war and environmental refugees fleeing for their lives as they enter into unknown countries. The HATCH network is capable of developing an organization system within specified countries to be an advocate for these particular families and individuals. Such establishments could point to resources helping refugees adjust to the culture shock, find housing and suitable education systems, gain supplies, along with treatment for post traumatic stress disorders.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to have a mentor in understanding how to start up a sustainable community center focused on the marginalized communities. I want to know the techniques in how to network and raise money in order to make something like this happen. Also, I am particularly interested in sustainable architecture design and would like someone to walk me through best practices which can be applied to urban development.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I have an extensive background in working with juvenile delinquents along with families facing extreme poverty. I can offer personal advice and a small glimpse at what it is like within the homes based off of personal experience.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

To the younger version of myself, never let fear or doubt cloud your mind to express the creativity you hold or think you are not capable enough to make the changes our world needs. We all contain a special gift, a voice, which should be freely expressed for all to hear. Innovation cannot take place without it. Keep following your heart and always hold onto the fire burning within you to make a difference in the lives of everyone around you.

Ana Barresi

Independent consultant


Argentinian woman living in Panama for the last 5 years, with a master degree in Communications and Management for Social Entities.
She has developed her own brand as a communication and project management consultant, advising several companies and NGOs.
As a social entrepreneur, she co-founded an educational project to develop leadership skills in young students.
She participated and organized many leadership and social entrepreneurship conferences around the world.
She is the curator of the Global Shapers Panama Hub for this period.
Also a passionate traveler and emerging artist.


54 Street & Abel Bravo. Lidalyna apt.104
Panama, Panama 507
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My real life superpower is...

Making people laugh in uncomfortable moments. 🙂

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Lisandro Aristimuño

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Little Prince. Always good to read it again.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Social Entrepreneurship.
Communications for Social Impact.
Alternative education. (new tendencies)
Leadership development.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Social entrepreneurship, sustainability.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Communications, Volunteer management, leadership development, coaching, creativity.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don´t be afraid, don´t play it safe. Every failure is necessary. It will make sense at the end.

Anaximena Esquivel

Journalist for La Prensa


Anaximena is a journalist for one of the top selling newspapers in Panama, La Prensa.
She enjoys writting about entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, creators of their own destiny and basically anyone from different fields and backgrounds that feel very passionate about what they're doing. She believes its her mission in life to tell other people's stories, to make a change for good and have fun while you're at it.
She has a thirst for life and is a strong believer that memories and experience help shape a person.


Calle Ricardo Arango, Edif. Terrazas Obarrio, apt. 6B
Panamá, Panamá 000000
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My real life superpower is...

I think my ability to have a positive outlook on everything and make the most of a bad situation. So, my positivity? Or cheerfulness?

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Weeknd

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

(1) Book Thief by Markus Zusak & (2) The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Podcasts: (1) Memory Palace & (1) Home of the Brave

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

We need to build more schools for children in the interior of the country so they can learn and have the same opportunities as those that grow in urban areas. They are the future of this country and most don't even know they're missing out on living life to its full potential.
I would love to collaborate with any Hatch member on bringing light to a project or issue that he or she feels passionate about.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

In the financial aspects, how to handle my money would be nice.
I think it'd be cool to hear how a rockstar journalist made it big in his or her field so I could follow in its footsteps.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can help with how to organize charity events or events or any social activity in general.
I'm great at writting "to do lists" and following thru, which I think has helped me be more organized at work, so I can help with techniques on being responsible, as well as translating spanish and english.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

I'd tell myself to not worry. Everything will work out in the end and everything does happen for a reason. The future looks pretty good from where I'm standing and just make sure I'm living the moment so it doesn't pass me by without me noticing. Keep having fun.

Andrea Echavarria

Haime Foundation


11 years of experience in social entrepreneurship. Executive Director of the Haime Foundation. Funding Curator & WEF Global Shaper, Cartagena HUB. Founder of ESCALA a Harvard Innovation Lab start-up that aims to provide accessible college education to low-income families in LATAM. International Studies Degree, University of Miami ‘05. Masters in Social Economy, Universidad de Barcelona ’12. MBA from Babson College Summa Cum Laude ‘14. VP & Board Member of Serena del Mar Foundation. Board Member of Bienal Internacional de Arte Cartagena. Involved in Macrolab - organic cosmetics family business.


Cr 4 # 80-60 Apt 501
Bogota, Cundinamarca 00000
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Juan Luis Guerra

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

I recommend the HBR IdeaCast and for Books I am reading The Leader in Me which I really like

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I really enjoy being able to change people’s view of challenges. I have an attitude of everything is possible and changing the world through fomenting entrepreneurship and leadership is my obsession. Therefore I will activate the network to help me empower youth through provoking leadership and entrepreneurship.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I am actively engage in my family business a Natural and Organic Cosmetics manufacturer and I love spending time doing New Product Development. I would love to have a mentor that can help me build my own line of cosmetics because today we mostly manufacturer for other brands. Therefore if someone with experience in Retail, Start-ups, Natural Products can help me will be awesome.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer mentorship in Social Innovation, fundraising, non-profit creation and social entrepreneurship.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Risk it more, enjoy the moment more, travel more and stop planning the future it will be great!

Andrés León

Startup Programs Manager at the Innovation Center at City of Knowledge.


"What the Panama Canal does to boost global commerce, we can also do it for startups around the globe."

5 years of experience developing a culture and a solid ecosystem in Panama around entrepreneurship and innovation as well as designing and executing country-level programs for startups with resources such as mentoring with the MIT Venture Mentoring Service, seed funding, infrastructure and alliances with corporate and multinational services and resources. "We need, more than ever, to go back to the roots of how startups work and how resources are profoundly designed for this companies."


Via Italia, Punta Paitilla, San Francisco, Panamá
Panama City, Panama 507
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My real life superpower is...

Encouraging the power of understanding how the world works and people's lives at its core reveals the intuitive secrets we need for tomorrow

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Artist (Sorry! =) ): Axwell for his way of thinking and explaining music like no one else. 30 seconds to mars and three doors down.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Books: From Zero To One, Peter Thiel
Essays: Paul Graham Essays
Podcast: A16Z (Soundcloud) from Andreessen Horowitz

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Foodborne disease at the very end of the food production chain (supermarket..but specially restaurants). 48 million cases of foodborne disease occur in the U.S. every year sending 105k people to the hospital and 2,000 deaths (Approx. 1 in 7 people getting sick from food every year. I was one of them, and recently 2 of my closest friends. Can we frame a problem that enables us to act upon detecting "dangerous bacterias" at the end of the food production chain? Pull down high tech to make it accesible to restaurants? / Also Reinventing school methodology.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Design: People with vast experience in tools such as customer development, design thinking, lean startup, process, etc. Experts in gaining insights from the world and people and translating them in intuitive solutions for the world.

Startups: Mentors of incubators or accelerators that supported successful startups interested in helping others do the same in other countries regions.

Forward Thinkers: My batteries are recharged when I just listen to people like Ben Horowitz, Peter Thiel, Paul Graham, Alejando Aravena, Sam Altman, Elon Musk. Our future is their present.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Defining target customers, Design Thinking, Customer Development, lean startup, framing problems. Startups anatomy and experience after being with so many founders in the good the bad and the ugly. I know a lot of practical stories to share as well!

Motivation and perseverance are key but the majority of the entrepreneurs usually run and spend all their resources in the dark. Closing the gap between what the entrepreneurs think customers think and what the customer actually think, asking the questions people don't like and an ubiased evidence seeker for decision making. 🙂

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Life, business, education and things like passion, entrepreneurship, innovation, even happiness have become so complex, confusing and filled with requirements, tools, concepts, vocabularies, you "must" do or "have" this before you do that.

However, at its core they all sit on fundamentals, intuitive and elegant principles. We must learn to untie ourselves of what exists and what others say, to find the "Why's" in everything we believe and around us until they become so simple and so clear that we enable ourselves to live, build and do things that matter to us and becomes valuable to others.

Andy George



Story-teller. Technology fanatic. Award-winning editor. Filmmaker. With over 15 years of experience in post-production, I’m well seasoned in dozens of software platforms. I’ve long had a fascination for moving images, and started my first production company at the age of 16. The stories that have a tangible effect on a community are those that I'm most proud of. Traveling to new places, meeting new and interesting people continues to keep me inspired.


8 teton ave
Bozeman, MT 59718
United States
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My real life superpower is...

The power of connection.

Archibald Vienot

Picturage Studios


Born in French Guyana, Cayenne in 1992.
Thanks to my artistic parents we have not stopped traveling the world ever since, from the Micronesian islands all the way to Panama living in over 30 different countries.
I am currently residing in Panama city for over 10 years now but studied a couple of years in barcelona. I now own a film production company in Panama City working on all sorts of commercials, documentaries, short films etc. Very much involved in humanitarian and volunteer work. A huge believer into briging higher education and working together with people that believes so.


Calle manuel hurtado, casa 62, la cresta
Panama city, Panama city 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Mind over body

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tool and led zeppelin

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Ted talks and gently mad

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Kalu yala and education

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Focusing on chosing a correct path.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Leadership. Inspire positivism into coworking with other coworkers.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

always stay true to yourself. Start anyting you do with a positive mindset and you will always obtain the best results.

Audrey Hall

Creative at Audrey Hall Photography, LLC


Audrey Hall’s bond with cameras began when she traded in her mechanical eraser from an architectural drafting desk. Her work of fine art, commercial, documentary and editorial projects have appeared in a variety of media across the globe. In the past 25 years she’s been tackling assignments with verve be it chasing cyclist Greg LeMond around the Alps or following Pulitzer journalist Nicholas Kristof cover injustices faced by women. She’s captured a number of public figures including Tom Brokaw and Michael Keaton, her favorite caped superhero. Curiosity and chance best guide her "what's next?"


1106 West Park Street #121
Livingston, MT 59047
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Light Warrior and X-Ray Vision. When I look at the world, I see light and emotion viscerally then translate it tangibly through images.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

I'm following Alyeska through our photo/video collaborations. Listening to a lot of Head and Heart, Lyle Lovett and Wye Oak.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Love the Tim Ferriss Show podcast and just finished Liz Gilbert's "Big Magic."

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Empowering women, gender based violence, fostering creative thinking using a camera and helping young artists and musicians find a visual identity that parallels their vision.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I'm having a hard time handling the growth of my business and trying to figure out where I want to go next. I would love help in strategic planning, passion planning, project assessment, and someone to run edits and ideas past who has a knowledge of filmmaking, music and art.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I'm interested in working with other artists and musicians...helping women feel empowered and with decision making regarding creative careers.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Keep doing passion projects. Save some money. Invest wisely. Make sure you respect the business of creativity so that you can continue to be creative. Take risks. Have fun!

Aurora Brenes

United Way Panama


Graduated from Loyola University New Orleans with a Public Relations Major and a Sociology Minor. Aurora currently works at United Way Panama as the Affinity Group and Community Engagement Coordinator.
Aurora is also a 200 RYT Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor. She teaches classes at studios, privates, workshops, and retreats. And is currently studying to become a Health Coach
Aurora loves to travel and explore new places, learn new things, connect with new people, spend time in nature, and cook.


Calle 1era Parque Lefevre, Edifcio Cerro Bonito Apt #4
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Compassion/ empathy

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Tao of Pooh
Celestine Prophecy

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

1) Animal Rights
2) Environmental Concerns: water shortage, deforestation, droughts, pollution, etc..

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business planning
Making my ideas reality

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Healthy living

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Learn to be alone and enjoy it.

Avery Bradt

Liquid Artist


After graduating with an B.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts, Avery moved to Argentina to start a Lemonade business. Since then her focus on marketing, art, travel and taste buds has led her to South Florida as a Beverage consultant and Artist. A combination of love for fresh locally sourced ingredients, environmental awareness and creativity are out to reinvent hospitality one experience at time.


709 Coontie Court
Apt 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Shakey Graves
Alabama Shakes

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Deep, James Nestor
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Agricultural and Environmental Awareness

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Marketing & Hospitality

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Are you doing what you want to do or what society tells you to do?

Bennett Brown

Head of Operations & Special Projects / Maderas Village


For over 3 years Bennett has been in Nicaragua developing and implementing operational systems for the boutique hotel, Maderas Village. Having left his real estate career to seek out opportunities abroad, Maderas Village was a natural fit. Outside of day-to-day hotel life you can find him in a hammock overlooking the Pacific Ocean reading about the latest technologies and sketching out future ventures with friends. Currently, Bennett is Head of Operations and Special Projects at Maderas Village. He is also the Co-Founder of Maderas Labs, a technology company redefining hotel guest experience.


864 Hurontario St
Collingwood, Ont L9Y0G7
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Jamie XX

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Bold - Peter Diamandis

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Innovation in how help is provided to address poverty in the developing world

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Capital and Fundraising

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Hospitality & Operations in developing countries.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Surround yourself with those who dream are as big if not bigger than you.
Then see it through to the end.

Beno Oppenheimer



Raised in Argentina where I completed my medical school education and residency in internal medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. I moved to NYC in 1998 and joined NYU School of Medicine where I specialized in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. I currently run the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the Manhattan VA Hospital. My research is on the cardio-pulmonary consequences of obesity and I teach 2nd year students respiratory physiology and bedside diagnostic skills. l started a company which focuses on improving the resuscitation efforts delivered during cardiac arrest scenarios


5 Stuyvesant Oval Apt 3A
New York, ny 10009
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My real life superpower is...


Bert Kaufman

Co-Founder, Business Forward


Bert has a decade of experience building and running successful organizations and initiatives across academia, the private sector and the federal government. He recently served as Senior Advisor in the Office of Secretary Penny Pritzker at the U.S. Department of Commerce, where he helps lead the Secretary's overall strategic engagement with the business community domestically and internationally. There, he built the the Presidential Ambassadors for Global Entrepreneurship (PAGE) initiative to deploy some of America's most respected entrepreneurs across the country and around the world.


1441 Rhode Island Ave, NW
No 306
Washington, DC 20005
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Taking a concept and building a structure around it. (But I wish I could also fly).

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Shamarr Allen and the Underdawgs; Kermit Ruffins and the BBQ Swingers (I'm from south Louisiana).

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Between the World and Me (Book); This American Life

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Help Syrian refugees; help create opportunities for inner-city young people to develop skills to succeed in the workplace or attend and stay in college.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I want to learn how to be a better mentor to those coming up after me. How can I give more time and better attention to people when I feel like I am always looking forward?

How to make a difference in a large fast-moving group?

How to stay focused in an age of distraction

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

-Helping others build and maintain relationships
-Helping others see the value of creating something that doesn't exist
-Making plans

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

(1) Be more patient;
(2) You do not have to go into a pre-existing structure. It's okay to build your own.

Betty Chemier



Betty Chemier holds a BA in communication and an MA in International Studies from PKNU in South Korea. She has worked in various South American media outlets before moving to Asia, where her passion for anthropology led her to research social behaviours. She is a collaborator for Ethnographic Edge, a research project that uses big data to measure and predict geopolitic risks. She is also a Research Analyst for the global research platform Wikistrat. Betty is a co-founder of Wolftrip, a travel app focused on connecting adventure travelers with the same interests.


Coco del mar
Calle 79
Edificio coco del mar suites, Panama Panama
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My real life superpower is...

My persistence

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The one hundred year old man who jumped out of the window and disappeared

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Use of big data to predict crisis and outbreaks

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?


What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do less with more focus

Brad Camiel

Systems Planner / Kalu Yala Farms


Native Rhode Islander and University of Rhode Island Alum. Currently working in Panama as the systems planner for Kalu Yala Farms. Passionate about the outdoors as well as coaching youth lacrosse. Educated in environmental science, soil science, and GIS systems. Interested in how we can adapt to climate change and preserving our winters!


26 Pennsylvania Ave
Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Being a human amoeba! I pride myself of adapting to any situation regardless of the challenges that may be present.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Revivalists and Jamie N Commons.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Adapting to climate change and conserving / restoring the world's soils.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer mentorship to students that may not fully understand or know what they want to do.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

To question everything in order to gain a fuller understanding.

Bran Hill

Owner/Craft Distiller


Bran is an American born traveler/craft distiller with an affinity for diverse drinking cultures. He has moved around the world brewing in many countries learning traditional fermentation and distilling techniques of each particular region. In 2014 he moved to Brooklyn from South Korea to take the head brewer and craft distiller position at Van Brunt Stillhouse Whiskey. This year he launched his own spirit brand, Tokki Soju. Tokki is the first small batch traditional rice soju outside of Asia.


227 Troutman Street Apt#3R
Brooklyn, NY 11237
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My real life superpower is...

Neil Degrasse Tyson

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Fractional Distillation

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Brooklyn, NY

Brigitte Desvaux

Executive Chef


Brigitte has been working with Kalu Yala for over 4 years now. She is extremely passionate about food, and started the Farm-to-Table Culinary Arts Program for the Kalu Yala Institute. She has recently transitioned from the Director position to an Executive Chef position, in hope to expand upon the culinary possibilities for Kalu Yala.


16 Felucca Ave
Jamestown, RI 02835
United States
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My real life superpower is...

my ability to just keep going...it what a chef requires 🙂

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Flook (irish folk), and Motet (fucky jams)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"Cradle to Cradle"

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Sustainable food systems from the source to the plate. Organically grown preferred.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

business and entrepreneurship. It's like a foreign language from another planet for me.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Cooking, permaculture, sustainable practices, Kalu Yala Institute info.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be confident in your abilities. Doubt only holds you back.

Butterscotch Music



Butterscotch, the retro-futuristic, voice percussionist virtuosa, is a force to be reckoned with in today’s music scene. Being the world’s first female beatboxing champion, she has created a unique style. While she beatboxes, she sings and plays either guitar or piano, performing her own compositions and jazz standards. Butterscotch is heavily influenced by Jazz, Classical, Hip Hop and R&B, ranging from Frederick Chopin to Billie Holiday to Stevie Wonder. She will be releasing the "Scotch Tapes Vol. 1-3" (a series of EPs) starting the end of February 2016.


1529 Notre Dame Dr.
Davis, CA 95616
United States
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My real life superpower is...

seeing the future.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Alabama Shakes
Thievery Corporation

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Wayne Dyer
Deepak Chopra

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Creating an App that helps teens overcome their depression and mental issues through art.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Spiritual Growth.

But in the music business world, someone who can help connect me to where my music and I can be showcased to the world, without compromising myself or my art.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

To young aspiring musicians or any troubled teens going through a rough time in life. Beatbox workshops.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Have fun. I used to take life way to seriously. Life isn't about winning. It's about growth and spiritual adventure.

Carly Schwartz

Kalu Yala


Carly Schwartz is the media director at Kalu Yala, where she's building the journalism school of the future on their 600-acre sustainable community in the Panamanian jungle.

Carly spent the past year as a Kiva Fellow in Mexico working on a number of sustainable development projects. Before moving to Latin America, she founded and ran The Huffington Post's San Francisco bureau and later served as the company's Deputy National Editor in New York. She writes regularly for The Huffington Post and Quartz about issues ranging from microfinance to marijuana policy.


480 weldon avenue
oakland, ca 94610
United States
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My real life superpower is...

the ability to conjure genuine, ridiculous amounts of enthusiasm for just about anything

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

caribou (dj)
kurt vile (singer songwriter)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

purity (jonathan franzen)
radio ambulante (spanish-language podcast)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

how to use media to reinvent the way we tell stories about sustainability

how to use microloans to bring sustainable resources to underserved communities

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


photo/video capture & production

finance & financial literacy

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?





What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

don't worry so much! just enjoy the ride


it's literally never too late, it really isn't

Carolina Russ

Carolina Russ


Carolina Russ is an energetic and vibrant South Florida native and a Lululemon Ambassador. A leader in her community, Carolina is an ERYT-200 and Reiki Master. She has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2010. Carolina uses her intuitive guidance to guide each practitioner through an experience of their self. She pulls from her background as a dancer and her knowledge of yoga and meditation to craft unique sequences that will shake out the body and kindle the heart. You can expect a playful and challenging class with lots of verbal cues and hands on adjustments to help you dive deeper int


2210 NE 211 street
Miami, FL 33180
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My real life superpower is...

My laughter and smile. Smiles are infections and laughter is contagious.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Cat Empire
Idan Raichel Project

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Daring Grately by Brené Brown

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I would activate the HATCH network to build and apply a new educational model for schools and universities, based on creativity, movement, emotional and intellectual intelligence, and innovation. Together we could uplift the current system and offer experiences that cultivate curiosity and foster exploration.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to have a mentor when it comes to building and growing a successful business.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I could offer mentorship and coaching in creating and manifesting a joyful and purposeful life. For example, improving interpersonal relationships and refining or establishing a relationship to self, as well as confidence building, dream crafting, and all around happy life living.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

You, darling child of the universe, have magic in your bones, use it to create magnificence in your reality and only look back to honor where you came from.

Chris Denson

Director / OMD Ignition Factory


As an award-winning idea-maker, Chris is currently the Director of Ignition Factory at OMD, a group responsible for innovation across many of the agency's fortune 50 clients. His leadership and creativity have been leveraged for large and small organizations from Africa to Italy to his hometown of Detroit. Chris also hosts the Innovation Crush podcast series with over 700,000 subscribers around the globe; featuring the world's top innovators at the cross section of business and culture. Chris lives in LA, and is generally a pretty awesome guy.


141 s. Detroit ST
Los Angeles, CA 90036
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My real life superpower is...

X-Ray Vision. I can see right through to the heart of a problem, a need, or a creative opportunity.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Majid Jordan, or Miguel!

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Podcast... INNOVATION CRUSH of course. Book... currently reading When Breath Becomes Air.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Water, Education, Providing more innovation to thought leaders and undiscovered pioneers.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Start up funding structures.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Branding. Marketing. Strategy. Building a culture of innovation in teams and individuals. Collaboration.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be patient. It all means something, eventually.

Christopher Brand

Creative Director


Christopher Brand is a Creative Director in the advertising/branding space working in the San Francisco Bay Area for 12+ years. He has done work for large agencies like AKQA, small independent clients of his own and everything in between. In addition he is a returning instructor in the advertising school at Academy of Art University. He also spends a fair amount of time with photography and designing furniture, and personal time off has been spent on extensive cycling tours, including the entire length of New Zealand and from Norway to Italy. His work can be seen at cbrandcreative.com


1208 Arguello Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94122
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My real life superpower is...

Creative solutions for branding/marketing

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Quiet, by Susan Cain
Six drivers of global change, Al Gore
Reverberation radio (podcast)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

How to stay true to your artistic self without alienating yourself

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Staying focused/motivated throughout a long career.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Developing a strategic creative process and selling your work.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?


Cornell Coley

Coley Communications - Owner


Cornell Coley, M.Ed. is a gifted, experienced drummer, dancer and teacher who draws upon the traditions of West and Central Africa, Cuba and Brazil. Also a trained HealthRHYTHMS drum circle facilitator, certified by the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild and active in arts education and in arts therapy. He teaches at the Hyde Square Task Force and Lesley University. Mr. Coley has won numerous local and national grants and awards. His solo interactive program "A Fascinating Rhythm” is popular throughout New England. He also directs his Afro-Latin jazz band "Afrika Gente."


3 Cragmere Terrace
Mattapan, MA 02126
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My real life superpower is...

helping people see and express their underdeveloped talent

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Esperanza Spaulding
Ricardo Lemvo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehizi Coates

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Bridge the gap between land and community development in Boston's poorer communities.

Establish more community centers and use drumming and rhythm-based community music to heal emotional and physical illness.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Sharing my musical ideas, social media marketing, collaborating across artistic disciplines, understanding how to better address social issues with my skill set.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Understanding how drums and rhythm can make communities and people stronger in practical ways, developing healthy eating and living habits, taking care of your body, expressing your ideas in writing.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Find a mentor to learn from and give back to as early as you can and don't stop being mentored and mentoring for the rest of your life.

Courtney McKee

CEO Headframe Spirits


Courtney is the CEO and co-founder of Headframe Spirits and Headframe Spirits Manufacturing in Butte, Montana. Courtney believes in improving and inspiring the communities she's passionate about including the communities of place, of industry and of entrepreneurs. Courtney knows that the better each of us does, the better we all do, together and she gives her time, energy and material resources to support those who share that mission.


2714 Edwards St
Butte, MT 59701
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I'm capable of anything.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Book: Ego vs. EQ

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business management. How do you keep your heart centered and lead effectively.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Business startup, public speaking, strategy, business negotiation.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Keep your heart open. Yes, it might hurt sometimes, but it sure beats the alternative.

Cristina Sosa

Peace for a Nation


Cristina Sosa is the founder of Peace for a Nation, a movement that co-creates awareness and encourages creative minds to become agents of change, and Membership Manager of Soho Beach House, a private members’ club for people in the creative industries. Former professional performer, who's line of work consists of Ricky Martin and Pitbull. Cristina is a believer in the “divine flow” of things, how what one puts out into the world is reciprocated on every level. Therefore, there can only be peace in a place where the inhabitants are contributing to the harmony.


401 Ocean Dr. apt. 1016
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
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My real life superpower is...

My real life superpower is the ability to connect with people

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Cultura Profetica & Pompeya

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer and A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I would say an issue is our lack to connect with others, that no matter how surrounded we are of people, we don't connect in a deeper level and for the most part we don't feel compassion towards others.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love a mentor to assist me develop a business.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Self-empowering. Self-awareness and leadership.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

It is all going to be okay, have fun and enjoy the ride.

Dana Jozefczyk

Merchant & Gould, P.C.


An intellectual property attorney based out of Denver, Colorado with a serious love for the outdoors and the worlds best dog. Specializes in helping all clients, big and small, secure their assets while protecting and growing their business.


3622 Meade St
Denver, CO 80211
United States
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My real life superpower is...

flying under the radar

David Yakos

Director of Creativity, Co-Owner / Salient Technologies Inc


David is a mad scientist, full-time inventor, designer and co-owner of Salient Technologies. If he isn’t working with brands, designing indestructible dog toys or working on valves for NASA he can be found giving tractor rides, building forts, or down on the floor making up new games with the kids. In the pursuit of innovation, he has developed hundreds of products that can be found around the world, from kids toys that inspire engineering like Maker Studio, #BecauseofHATCH, to household items we use every day.


3701 Trakker Trail unit 2A
Bozeman, Montana 59718
United States
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My real life superpower is...

My super power is to instantly dream up and new products and envision how they will be made.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,
Perelandra by CS Lewis

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business marketing

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Product Design and engineering.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't take yourself too seriously.

David Purkey

US Water Group Leader


David, who holds a Ph.D. in hydrology, leads the US Water Group within the Stockholm Environment Institute where he works to improve the management of this vital resource. By integrating cutting edge analysis within the very human process of people deciding how to allocate water between economic uses and ecosystem conservation, David strives to present information about complex water systems to stakeholders in a non-complicated manner so that they can stop arguing about facts and start negotiating around their particular values related to water. Much of his work takes place in Latin America.


520 9th St.
Davis, CA 95616
United States
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My real life superpower is...

being able to translate conplex information about water into a language that is accessible to all who care about this vital resource.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Metropolitan Opera
Amadou and Miriam

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow
Being Wrong

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Sustainable water management
Communicating complex science to the body politic

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Scaling local successes to achieve global impact.
Harnessing the power of data visualization and exploration to support knowledge co-creation.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Decision support amongst disperate actors.
Stategic thinking to achieve goals.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Study philosophy. The grand challlenges of our times have been under discussion for 1000s of years.

Diwigdi Valiente

Co-Founder of Wolftrip & Bodhi Hostels


Diwi is an indigenous Guna from Panama, social entrepreneur, co-founder of Bodhi Hostels and Wolftrip App and holds a B. Intl Biz & Tourism Management from Cesar Ritz Colleges, Switzerland.

At the One Young World Summit in Dublin, 2014, he was the first Guna to talk about the problems his people face because of climate change.

He has conducted workshops in 5 Latin American Countries, sharing his experience on how to overcome social and personal challenges to become a ‘better' project manager.

He works for the Ministry of Economy and Finance auditing big companies on transfer pricing issues.


Avenida Balboa PH Costa Sur
Avenida 3 de Noviembre
Panama, Panama 00
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Calle 13
Bomba Estereo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

El Penúltimo Sueño - Ángela Becerra

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Social Entrepreneurship Education
Climate Change Mitigation

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Startup Valuation
Business Models
NGO Management

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Behavioral competences (soft skills)
Hospitality Management
Event Management
Marketing and idea conceptualization

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do not ever think you are not good with numbers, life will prove you wrong. You will somehow start loving them and will realize everything is a matter of passion.

Dixie Hendley

DIrector of Health and Wellness/ Kalu Yala


Dixie has a masters degree in social work. She is passionate about social justice, anti-racism, and community engagement. She currently works at Kalu Yala as the director of the Health and Wellness program in the community of San Miguel.


2250 North West 114th Ave
Unit 1 P, PTY8616
Miami, Florida 33172
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Alchemist. It changed my life and is the spark that sent me on my path to be where I am now.

Sister Outsider

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

To address the issue of the crisis of water. How we drink it, how we care for it, how we have access to it, how we interact with it, and how this all plays out in our social constructs.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to have a mentor in community engagement work. In finding ways to engage across power differentials such as race, economics, gender, sexuality and all the things that cause wedges between us and hinder authentic connection. How do I have a genuine connection with someone who does not have enough to eat while I have the privilege to chose to live abroad and pursue endeavors of sustainability. How do I connect authentically with someone who has access to resources I can't even fathom. The question goes both ways. I want to bypass these to true friendship and creative partnership.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer mentorship in the areas of community engagement. Sometimes when we speak about community work it sounds sweet and pretty. It is a popular thing to talk about right now. The reality though is that it takes time. It takes building relationships and learning the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the people within that community. It takes seeing their strength and being humbled by the craziness that life brings. It can be ugly and painful. It is rich and it is life.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Relax. You are so beautiful. (These were also my dad's last words)

Doc North



Dr. Mike North, host of Discovery shows “Prototype This!," "In The Making,” “ The Potentialists” and Science Show “Outrageous Acts of Science,” is an undaunted, anything-but-mild engineer, maker, and science advocate. Fusing science with media, he opens doors to awe-inspiring experiences and radical paradigm shifts. Dr. North has taught innovation at UC Berkeley, founded the ReAllocate to create an equitable planet, co-founded the positive climate initiative SaveTheIce.org, and his own design/engineering consultancy North Design Labs, with clients ranging from Tesla to Intel to USAID.


PO BOX 741
Bolinas, California 94924
United States
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My real life superpower is...

assimilating and explaining science

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?


If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Climate Change

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

creating a company

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

online TV

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?


Edward Zaydelman

Founder / Puerta a la Vida


Grew up in New York and worked in event production and then finance. Got tired of the hustle and decided to move to Costa Rica to create a sustainable community And wellness retreat center called Puerta a la Vida.


121 Victoria place west
Fort lee, Nj 07024
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Experience and event production and community alchemist (I love people).

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Surrender experiment

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Health and wellness

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Hospitality and real estate.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Community, event production, hospitality and real estate, wellness.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?


Eiden Spilker

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


Eiden Spilker is a passionate 19-year-old, currently participating in a 12-week agriculture program at Kalu Yala as part of a gap year between high school and college. Interested in positively impacting the community around him and in turn the world at large, he is continually looking for inspiration and skills that will help him narrow this broad goal and progress him along this path.


1065 Overlook Road
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Living outside the box

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Liquid Soul

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Tao of Physics - Fritof Capra
The World Is As You Dream It - John Perkins

Ela Spalding

Founder and Director / Estudio Nuboso -- Community Outreach / Estudio Remoto


Artist and founder / creative director of Estudio Nuboso - a platform for art and human ecology in Panama and beyond. A performer by training, with a degree in Cinema and Photography and a passion for ecology, landscapes and bookbinding. A connector by nature, I facilitate multi-disciplinary projects to raise awareness about the natural and cultural value and potential of places. I am also a founding member of Estudio Remoto - essential architecture in the Panamanian tropics.


Po box 0843-02935
Quarry Heights, 27 B, Ancon
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

bridging worlds

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Laurie Anderson

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

* Garbage disposal, processing, shifting of consumption patterns through effective communication campaigns and real solutions.

* Communication, building, business, education, co-existing strategies to help humanity shift to a more conscious society regarding nature and intercultural living (which will only get more and more intertwined with the present and upcoming mass migrations)

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

- simplifying life to follow your calling in a successful way for myself and others
- forward thinking business mentoring

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

body awareness and simple relaxation techniques

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't worry, you're amazing. Do what you love. Have fun. Take your time.

eliane cohen

Mingling Minds


Eliane is passionate about connection, nature, and personal growth. Born in Peru, moved to Miami at 16, Private Banker turned Traveler, renewable energy Business Developer in NYC, and today a Social Entrepreneur, Eliane has weaved a nurturing international network. Founder of Mingling Minds, a space to bring ideas to the surface. Co-Founder of Ecoaldeas Peru, implementing a model for sustainable rural development and productive rainforest conservation in the Amazon. Using ecotourism as a tool, intercultural exchange is facilitated in a space where locals and visitors connect, learn & grow.


230 E 14th St
New York, New York 10003
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Connection. I'm a tree, that grows it's roots deeply into others and is nurtured by them, while generating resources for those who nurture.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Jose Gonzalez, Caetano Veloso

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Attached, Aleph

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Caring for the environment and striving to live more consciously, sustainably, and aligned with nature.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business partner relationships, focus, health.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Relationship-building, aligning with one's purpose, organization, professional development, personal development and growth.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be humble and give love always, project it onto others, onto your Mother Earth, be gentle. Let go of the ego and be vulnerable, don't be afraid to love and always know that you are worthy of love. Remember this one ok? You are worthy of love, the best kind of love. Don't get distracted by things that don't contribute to your growth. Set your intentions with belief, and trust the Universe, as it will provide.

Elias Cattan



Mexico City architect, and ecologist from Schumacher College, UK. My professional path has been to regenerate relationships to life and the systems we are immersed in. Founded Taller13 in 2001 to generate a dynamic transdisciplinary approach to process and project design. We develop architecture, design, urban and art projects that serve to inspire, inform and activate a better relationship to our living systems. Involved in lecturing and workshops all around, always looking for new potential life regenerating possibilities; water always at the crux of it all.


Av. Amsterdam 255
Mexico City, Mexico City 06100
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My real life superpower is...

Working with interdisciplinary teams to develop projects from a living system stand point. Generating new potential in people and place.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tame Impala
Moon Duo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts
The End of Eternity, Isaac Asimov

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Water and community workshop design. People and place is the basis for a regenerative culture. Water is the basis of life. Generating proceses and methodologies that can genuinely transform current corrupt systems into life generating, community empowerment, and economical development through a place regenerating process

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How can we expand our work beyond Mexico?
Public Policy.
Business development.
Art world dynamics.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Architecture and Process design.
Living systems and community integration.
Data visualization and infographic design.
Activism organization.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Things take time, be patient, all will work out in the end. Be more focused in creating and not in managing or arguing with politicians and obtuse clients.

Elizabeth Heurtematte

Co-Founder LOVILL LATAMLEX, HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Elizabeth holds a B.A. in International Affairs and Latin American Studies from GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY and a Juris Doctor from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF LAW, Chicago, Illinois. She is a partner and head of the corporate law group at LOVILL LATAMLEX, Attorneys at Law. She serves in private corporate boards and is active in the nonprofit sector promoting the arts, education, empowerment of women and reproductive health. Elizabeth is a Fellow of the Central American Leadership Initiative (CALI) Class X and is a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.


Ocean Plaza, Oficina 2301
Avenida Aquilino de la Guardia
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Eternal rational optimism.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

I dont like bands.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

No longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe and
No future without Forgiveness by Desmond Mpilo Tutu

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Creating opportunities for women and promoting art and culture in Panama.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

How to be a woman leader.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don´t take yourself too seriously. Follow your passions. Work hard, no matter what the task at hand is. Its never too early to get involved and give back

Elysa Fenenbock

Designer-in-Residence, Google, HATCH North America Advisory Board


Elysa has over 10 years of experience inventing toys, designing products, leading projects, and being an educator. Now specializing in creativity, arts, and innovation in education, she currently focuses on The Creative Nomad Project, where she partners with global organizations to foster creativity: work ranges from transforming Peruvian artisans into entrepreneurs to visioning the future of K12 education in rural Panama. Alongside that, she is designer-in-residence at Google where she helps teams establish human-centered processes and spearheads projects bridging Google’s technical skills with social impact organizations. Previously, she worked at IDEO where she developed the Design Thinking for Educators platform (www.designthinkingforeducators.com). Elysa teaches courses at the Stanford d.school and works with Catapult Ideas bringing design and entreprenuership to high schoolers. She is a creative ninja by day, artist by night: check out her current projects @ goodguild.com and thecreativenomadproject.com


2903A Harrison Street
San Francisco, ca 94110
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My real life superpower is...

Creative Spirit Nurturer, seeing others' superpowers and passions and helping them realize them.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Call Your Girlfriend, Tedx Radio

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Future of Education, and specifically creativity and arts in it. Empowering artists and makers to be financially sustainable.

Erica Rabner

Sesame Workshop


Erica is a formative researcher who loves to test TV shows and games with preschoolers. Erica resides in NYC and serves as the research analyst for Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Erica is also a Program Associate at the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and researcher for Sesame Street. Erica is aspires to apply her knowledge of child development and research methodology to the educational media industry. When she isn’t testing preschool shows, Erica loves to perform soul, pop/R&B, jazz, and soft rock.


245 West 51st Street
Apartment 506
New York, NY 10019
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My real life superpower is...

My voice. Singing empowers me to uplift and entertain; to move people to tears or bring smiles to their faces; to be happy.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Stevie Wonder is timeless.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
Still Alice by Lisa Genova

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Children's education! Kids are naturally creative though not all kids have the support and foundation to reach their full potential. Additionally, their creativity is often stifled rather than scaffolded. Children's educational media drew me in because of its ability to reach kids who might not otherwise have access to certain experiences. It also delivers content through a comfortable, inviting, and non-intimidating medium. I also want to support parents and provide them with the tools to be agents in their child's learning. I believe this enhances the potential of fostering curiosity.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

1. Singing: Since I moved to NYC I haven't found the time or partner to perform with. I'd love advice for finding a musical collaborator, ideally keyboardist, and jumping into the NYC musical scene.

2. Kids TV/Games: As a formative researcher, I am always looking for new opportunities and technologies to explore and test to expand my repertoire. I'd love to connect with individuals who work in this field or ancillary fields.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

As a formative researcher, I am fascinated in the art and science behind improvement. I'm happy to brainstorm and design studies to evaluate programs or products. Additionally, I'm happy to act as a sounding board for projects related to children's media, or informal learning.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Say yes! Take risks that force you to jump outside your comfort zone. Seize outstanding opportunities when they are close. Go the extra mile and push yourself when you feel those nervous excited butterflies. Do what makes you happy.

Esteban Gast

Comedian and Creativity Lecturer


Esteban Gast is a comedian, teacher, and entrepreneur living in Chicago, Illinois. He is Colombian, grew up in Puerto Rico and for years lived in Central Illinois (and loved it). He teaches creativity at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he helped write two books on creativity and is currently developing an online class. He travels as a stand up comedian, is a TEDx speaker, speaks at colleges and high schools and makes short films. He's passionate about social businesses and is looking for ways to apply a social consciousness lens to the media we create.


5135 N. Damen Ave
Apt 2
Chicago, Illinois 60625
United States
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My real life superpower is...

making people smile.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Ben Howard
Arthur Lewis

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human (Jonathan Gottschall)
You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Voting. We need more people to vote. We can do that by shifting the cultural and social norms around voting.

Challenge people to think about the content (movies, tv, music) they are consuming. "Who are you becoming by the content that you consume" must be a question people ask themselves.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love an mentor in media entrepreneurship. I would love a mentor in how to make a living from your art. I NEED a mentor in work/life balance.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I teach creativity! So anything in terms of brainstorming, coming up with ideas, evaluating ideas, choosing ideas, design thinking etc.
I can offer mentorship in public speaking (I taught public speaking at the college level) and in using humor at work/life/speeches/copy/anything.
Also, I started a few ecommerce micro-businesses, so how to start and operate a micro-business. Related, I was Director of University of Illinois startup accelerator, so I'm familiar with the process of having and idea and bringing it to be.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Take your dreams seriously.

Ezra Masri

HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Strategian and tactician with an aptitud for liaisonship. Experienced builder of castles in the sky. Background in project management in construction, real estate, marketing, new business development, and entrepreneur. Explorer of everything fascinating. Founder of TEDxPuntaPaitilla in Panama City, Panama where exceptional people with positions of authority in modern society to present a picture of contemporary thought.


#5 Calle del Macho
La Compañia
El Valle De Anton, Cocle 507
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My real life superpower is...


Fernando Cuenco

Logos Comunicacion


Asturian emigrant in Panama. I own the PR firm Logos Comunicación.
I am part of several associations in Panama such as the Centro Asturiano de Panama, a place where Spanish emigrants from Asturies in Panama can come, join and share experiences and enjoy our culture, Panamanian Red Cross, and Peña Real Oviedo - Panamá, de first club of Real Oviedo supporters in the country.
In my 36 years of life I have had the luck of living in Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, Nicaragua and Panama, allowing me the opportunity to meet many people from very different cultures.
I love, as Nokia says, connecting people


Logos Comunicación PH Vicky 2 Mezzanine
Calle Eric del Valle. El Cangrejo. Bella Vista.
Panama, Panama 12321
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My real life superpower is...

Making people laugh

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Bersuit Vergarabat / Queen

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

El Viejo y el Mar Hernest Hemingway
Iker Jimenez Podcast

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?


What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Healthy way of living

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Motivation, brainstorming, communication, voluntary service.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Never hesitate!

Forrest Bennett

Co-founder, CEO / Palo Alto Neuroscience


Forrest is Co-founder of Palo Alto Neuroscience, developing advanced neurotech services to maximize mental performance, flow, well-being, and emotional regulation. He has over 60 academic papers, a book, and 7 patents in machine learning. His commercial work includes a custom chip for molecular mechanics, and a pharmacokinetics simulator. Most recently he was at Twitter as an Engineering Manager, and before that VP of Engineering at a search engine startup acquired by Twitter. He has a BS in Applied Mathematics, and is a former Visiting Scholar at Stanford.


2050 Santa Cruz Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Clearly seeing the difference between an interpretation of an experience or fact, and the actual experience or fact itself.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Lost at Last
King Crimson

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Fabric of Reality (QM, VR, epistemology, evolution), by Deutsch
The Righteous Mind, by Haidt

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Dealing with compliance issues in a startup context.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business in a startup context

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

One-on-one communication, especially in relationships & friendships.
Machine learning.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Write down and share your ideas so that you can get feedback from a wider audience, and so that you can find your allies.

Fred Dent

Principal - Dent Asset Management


Financial Planner. HATCH Executive Board.


301 Main St #1502
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Punch Brothers

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

George Bradt

PrimeGenesis Executive and Team Onboarding


George Bradt has led the revolution in how people start new jobs. He progressed through sales, marketing, and general management roles literally around the world at companies including Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and J.D. Power’s Power Information Network spin off as chief executive. Now he is a Principal of CEO Connection and Chairman of the executive onboarding group PrimeGenesis. He is a graduate of Harvard and Wharton (MBA), author of five books on onboarding including The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan, a weekly online column for Forbes, and seven musical plays (book, lyrics & music).


200 West Hill Road
Stamford, CT 06902
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan (4th edition published Feb 1, 2016)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Reduce the failure rate of leaders going into new roles.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Getting musicals produced

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Transition management. Leadership. Writing.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do the right thing.

Giovanna Mingarelli

CEO and Co-Founder, Mcrowdsourcing Canada (MC2), Inc.


Giovanna Mingarelli is an international entrepreneur who’s appeared in dozens of publications ranging from Harvard Business Review, the Huffington Post and The Globe and Mail. From Arviat, Nunavut in Northern Canada to the White House in Washington D.C. She is an avid contributor to international activities relating to digital democracy, Millennial leadership, open innovation, crowdsourcing social engagement and the gamification of politics and business. In 2015 she was named one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the WXN.


4552 19th Street
San Francisco, California 94114
United States
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My real life superpower is...

To find the exceptional in everything!

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Susan Delacourt's book, "Shopping for Votes" about the Mad Men of Canadian politics.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Crowdsourcing civic engagement and gamifying everything.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Social activation strategies in the documentary and film industries.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

In areas relating to communications, media relations and entrepreneurship.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Chill out, it's all going to be OK.

Gloria Correa

Owner/ HEAL (Holistic Everyday Approach to Life)


Gloria Correa, DOM, world renowned Clairvoyant Healer and Medical Intuitive, gifted from birth, with the ability to see inside the body. Educated in holistic medicine with disciplines in Biotherapeutic homeopathy n drugless therapies. Focusing on individualized protocols she brings physical, spiritual and emotional healing from illness, hence restoring human beings to wholeness, shifting consciousness on a Global level.


4056 Tenita Drive
Winter Park, FL 32792
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Being clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairvisual, I really love people and helping them reach higher consciousness creating change.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Rising Appalachia, Rhys Tivey. Also Panic! at the Disco.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

B: RInging Cedar series, Permaculture books. podcast: Rich Roll, Byron Katie.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Autism, Asperger/ mental disorders, addictions, eating healthy, raising spiritual, mental consciousness.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Finance, Social media, Business growth, and most of all -How to grow my impact on the planet, via teaching, lecturing, and traveling the world to help raise our all inclusive health and wealth.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

developing your intuition, holistic practices of Hypnotherapy, Chinese medicine, herbalism, permaculture, homeopathy, and scanning the human body for imbalances.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Know that every single thing you do affects the multiverse that resides within you and outside of you. We are all mirror images of one another. We do shift collective consciousness with every thought we have. Every food we eat must be our energy fuel via living natural foods, not fast food, etc. Meditate every day and your life becomes abundantly fun, peaceful and anything you want it to be.

heather rangel

US Tech Sector Leader, Deloitte // HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Heather is a Partner at Deloitte and serves as the US Technology Sector Leader for Deloitte. Heather is known as a highly visible leader, passionate about helping emerging companies expand boundaries while maintaining crucial elements of company culture. Heather is an energetic supporter of a non-profit, Cancer Commons, an organization dedicated to uniting patients, oncologists, and scientists in creating a rapid learning platform for the delivery of personalized cancer care. Heather is a frequent public speaker and a strong supporter of the arts.


809 alameda
redwood city, ca 94061
United States
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My real life superpower is...

endless endurance to affect meaningful change

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

1) Butterscotch 🙂
2) Tom Petty - on a recent, obsessive REdiscovery of the remarkable storytelling of Tom Petty

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

1) Tom Petty biography
2) podcast - Stuff you missed in History class

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

using the power of social media to support the creation of rapid learning environment for personalized cancer care

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I need help focusing my energy on 1 or 2 really important things and stop spreading myself so thin for the benefit of things or people that don't nourish me

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Getting shit done in a big broad impactful way. Making strong connections to people who will support great ideas.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just relax and be grateful.

Héctor Ayarza



Designer and graduating Architect for the University of Panama. Co-founder of ESTUDIO REMOTO, a collective that share the dream of bring design and construction on/for/with remote communities. Interested in social work and sub-urban and rural phenomena and beings.


Ezequiel González st.
City of Knowledge. 328-B
Panama, Panama 0000
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My real life superpower is...

To help everyone I can.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Civil Wars and Señor Loop

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

GAMBOA. A guide to its natural and cultural heritage. Jorge Ventocilla and Kurt Dillon.
HUMAN ECOLOGY. Frederick Steiner

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I could try to develop stretegies about make people recognize its identity. That is diferent for every comunity in the world.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Architecture and design

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Make the things happen and don't wait for the aprobation of all the people. Entire life is a constantly brainstorm based on experimentation and learning.

Henrik Flodhammar

Director Government Coordination Kalu Yala


Director of Government Coordination at Kalu Yala. Former Deputy Director at United Nations Regional Development Programme Regional Facility for Policy Advice based in Panama City. University teacher in Environmental Economy. Entrepreneur in Panama.


Casa Pacifica, Majagual, Veracruz, Panama
Avenida de las Nubes
Veracruz, Arraijan Ciudad Panama
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My real life superpower is...

Facilitating. Making things possible in Panama.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

On how to deal with uncertainty in the Latin American governance environment. On how to deal with Latin American social issues in policy and practice. On figuring out "How does Latin American permitting process, governance and democracy work?"

Hildegard Vasquez



Arch. Hildegard Vasquez leads Hache Uve, a firm concentrated on preservation and renovation of historic sites and heads Fundacion Calicanto, an NGO focused on empowerment and development.
She has a BA/BFA from RISD and a MA in Historic Restoration from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She was a finalist for Avon Woman of the Year 2011, Hero for Panama 2011, Light in the Community 2011, 2012 finalist for the McNulty Prize, winner of the 2013 Latin America FT/Citibank Urban Ingenuity Award, and 2014 RISD Professional Achievement Award. She is a Fellow of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.


Calle Tercera # 7-34, San Felipe
Panama, Panama 07708
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My real life superpower is...

I have the power of words to make people enact change. I believe that all of us can make a difference.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

I am too old for bands, I do love oldies.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"War´s Unwomanly Face" Svetlana Alexievich
"Cities and the Wealth of Nations" Jane Jacobs

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Urban development issues and human development. I work with women empowerment as a means to change social dynamics in cities. Most projects focus on changing infrastructure forgetting the importance of humans inhabiting space and interacting with it. The future of cities lie in creating a sane and empowered population.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Financial planning for non profit development, creative ways to impact more people.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Leadership, Ethics, Empowerment, Creative workshops

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

You have all the time in the world to take action now, don´t wait. Look for a mentor that can guide you in your passion. Life is not about the job that we have but of the impact that we leave. Impact is not about doing something for a while. Pick your battle, disrupt thought and then give it all the leadership, creativity and collaboration that you can.

Hugo Wood

Founder/United Youth for Dialogue


Hugo Wood is a Panamanian lawyer and a master in Law and International Development from Tulane University. He was the founder and first president of the organization United Youth for Dialogue (JUD) and was recently appointed as the Coordinator of the IV Youth Forum of the Americas in the framework of the VII Summit of Heads of State and Government.

Awarded as an Outstanding Young Person by Junior Chamber International he is currently a Global Shaper and works as Private Secretary and Adviser to the Vice-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama.


Condado del rey, golden springs,
Panama, Panama Balboa 23456
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My real life superpower is...

Fear liberator

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Bomba Estereo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Tyranny of Experts

The art of loving

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I need to understand better how the HATCH network works

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Education, creativity, technology and the new digital, adequate use of time

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Public speaking, leadership, youth issues, foreign affairs

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

To focus and avoid procrastination

Jaime de Saint Malo

Founder of EDIFYCA // HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


In 2003, Jaime founded Net People International, the Latin American leader in the commercialization and development of Mobile App services.

Co-founder of EDIFYCA, a leading development company that creates communities to transform the quality of life of their residents/users, through cultural, social and economic activities.

Currently, Jaime is President of the Congress of New Urbanism of Panama, an NGO dedicated to the lobbying of positive changes in Panama's cities, through legislation, urban planning and sustainable development.

He is a 2-time Ironman and 17-time Ironman 70.3 finisher.


PH Puntarenas, Apartamento 7
Coco del Mar, San Francisco
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

I make shit happen!

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"Born to Run" (Christopher McDougall) and "The Fountainhead" (Ayn Rand)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Mobility, Urbanism and Sustainable Communities/Urban Planning and Development across Panama.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Urbanism and Leadership. Motivating People! Making People Believe in something!

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Whatever you believe in, learn about it, work hard for it, and make it happen!

Jake Cardoza

Kalu Yala Farm Manager


Jake is in his second year as the Farm Manager at Kalu Yala. Since being there he has helped establish their young food forest that boasts 50+ different kinds of fruit. He is passionate about working with the land, growing the community, and living a life more aligned with nature rather than against it. Prior to coming to Kalu Yala, Jake was living on Oahu, HI where he got a B.S. in Environmental Studies from Chaminade University of Honolulu. He is originally from Cumberland, Rhode Island. -Go Pats!


303 Minerva Ave.
Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Keen observation abilities.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

-The Last American Man.
- Inherent Vice.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

The state of modern "conventional" agriculture. As a global community we are losing hundreds of years of sustainable farming knowledge/practices because of our current addiction to unsustainable input based practices.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Networking & the business world. I'm in the jungle a lot.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Earth stewardship.
positive thinking.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Keep going the course, Don't take yourself to seriously, and be your own best friend.

Janett Gongora

Project Marketing


Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Microbiologist
Born in Panama, Janett graduated with a degree in Microbiology later working at the Smithsonian Institute before turning her focus to Marketing. She honed her skills as the Latin American Marketing Director for Kenneth Cole before stepping into her entrepreneur shoes. As Co-Founder of Project Marketing, she helps bring creativity and passion to small and medium businesses looking to break away from the norm. Janett also serves on the board of Panago, a Chilean clinical nutritional company. Mother of 3, passioned by travels and good food.


Carroll Street
Panama, Panama 000000000
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My real life superpower is...

To answer to my kids the questions that they made me in a way that they can not only understand it, but explain to others. everyday.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Contagious by Jonah Berger

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Problems can also be opportunities: they allow you to see things differently and to do things in a different way. how Panamanian weather can become an opportunity for the farmers. how can we take advantage of the extreme humidity and intense sun.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How to get organised, how to prioritise when you want to do it all at the same time, when everything is important and urgent, because tomorrow it will be maybe too late.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

how to take away the tags that society put on us. we all have the capacity to change the course of our life. if we want.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Dream big and work even bigger. Every effort have a reward, sometimes you can't see it, but you will later understand.

Javier Teruel



Javier Teruel is a business person with 15 years of experience working in both the private and public sector. He started his career as a CPA with PwC and has worked in finance and M&A. In the public sector, Javier was the Deputy Administrator for a public corporation in Puerto Rico. He completed an MBA at the University of Michigan. Javier is also a serial entrepreneur with a passion for writing and storytelling. He is currently developing an online television network to produce and distribute short-form series. Javier speaks four languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French.


1112 Ashford Ave.
San Juan, PR 00907
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Listening to feelings, in people and myself.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Of Monsters and Men, Cut Copy.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?


What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Media production and entertainment industry.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Personal finance, happiness, relationships.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be patient and play the long game. The quality of your life will ultimately be the result of the decisions you make each and every day.

jeffrey Sparr

Co-Founder & Artist PeaceLove Studios


PeaceLove Co-founder Jeff Sparr is a man on an audacious mission – a mission to make mental illness cool. Not cool to have, but cool to support. A family man, mental health advocate, teacher and self-taught artist, Jeff is above all a survivor, battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) much of his life. Inspired by a simple, powerful image signifying “peace of mind and love for yourself,” Sparr set out to build the first symbol and movement for the mental health community to rally behind.

Jeff has shared his story with diverse communities including NBC Nightly News, The Discovery Channel, NPR, Hallmark, Zappos, LIVESTRONG, TEDx, Social Venture Network, and Ohio State University.


60 Dryden ave
Pawtucket, RI 02860
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

anything winston churchill

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

mental health and wellness

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

program scaling

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Big Picture Dreaming

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

believe in yourself

Jennifer Duong

VR Filmmaker


A Los Angeles based VR filmmaker, with a background in theatre and film. Virtual reality has become my bridge between the two as well as a creative playground. I love all things regarding storytelling and am always ready to talk about: Game of Thrones, stories, and virtual reality.

In addition to independent VR content creation, I also do virtual reality at RYOT, write for UploadVR, and am co-founder of Women in Virtual Reality.


617 North Juanita Ave
Unit A
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Local Natives

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Catcher in the Rye and One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Bringing women into technology and entertainment especially with the rapid development of virtual reality as it hits consumer markets.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would still love to have a creative mentor or a mentor that could help tackle gender inequality.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I believe I could offer career mentorship for those who are just about to start theirs.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Rather than being overly critical of the little things, remember to see the big picture and never fear doing things differently.

Jim Banister

Product Chief / Prezi


Jim is Product Chief at Prezi, one of the world's most innovative visual communications products. Before that, Product Director for the 45 million member Clubcard loyalty programme for the world's second largest retailer, Tesco. Other past gigs include Product Director at Say.So and SpectrumDNA, and EVP for Warner Bros. Online.

Author of "Word of Mouse: The New Age of Networked Media" and "Addictionary: Brave New Words"

Recent graduate of Cambridge University's Sustainability Leadership Programme -- emphasis on innovating methods to translate corporate sustainability into customer loyalty.


941 Cutter Lane
Park City, UT 84098
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My real life superpower is...

Building and leading teams to innovate and deliver value to their stakeholders.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Innovative, practical and predictable ways to translate corporate sustainability into customer loyalty.

Helping me sustainably vector my avocation in commercial sustainability into a vocation.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Patience, m'boy. 😉

And in finding ways for me to help others working in sustainability with my experience and skills.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Gamification. Digital media strategy. Productization best practices. Visual communications. I may have a thing or two to offer in the crossover between consumer loyalty and corporate sustainability practices, too, though they are largely untested so buy beware. 😉

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Patience, m'boy.

Jimena Hoyos



Gozques is a non profit company which voices against animal cruelty and aims for their protection by feeding them, giving them medical attention and generating adoption. Gozques was created in 2011 and to date it has fed thousands of homeless dogs with “public food dispensers” all over Colombia. To date there are close to 400 food dispensers installed all over Colombia and Mexico.They have been able to feed more than 5,000 dogs, neuter and spay more than 600 dogs and more than a 1,000 have been adopted


2484 sw 24th ter
miami, florida 33145
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My real life superpower is...

Helping homeless dogs and bringing awareness

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

animal abuse, adoption and sterilization campaigns

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Wrold wide animal abuse

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Talking about my charity and experience

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

If everyone did something for what they feel passionate about, animals, children, earth etc the world would be a different one, the biggest obstacle is to think you are insignificant to create a change.

Jimmy Stice

Town Builder / Kalu Yala, HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Raised in real estate and educated in marketing before falling in love with the art of town building.


Edificio Hispania, Apt 4
Panama City, Panama 000
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My real life superpower is...

I make awesome the most pragmatic choice.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tune Yards

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Panama's rural public schools

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Leadership and time management.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

How to launch a business.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

A beautiful world is the only sensible world.

Joel Lavold

Freelance Photographer and Cinematographer


Born and raised in Montana, brought up by a realist artist, studied architecture and engineering before pursuing his passion for photography. Now living in Los Angeles when not traveling and using his background and unique style to document the world around him.


8336 Blackburn Ave #3
Los Angeles, CA 90048
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Super Sneeze

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Kendrick Lamar and Joy Division

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business, creativity, life.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Anything that involves a camera.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do more.

John McKee

Owner / Headframe Spirits


Founder and Owner of Headframe Spirits and Headframe Spirits Manufacturing. I distill hooch....basically I do my best to provide you with something that assists with getting the conversation started....whiskey. I'm also the inventor of the only continuous flow distillation system available for micro-distillers, based upon my background in the invention of a novel biodiesel distillation system.
By mostly....I love rivers and floating on them as often as possible.


200 Technology Way
Headframe Warehouse
Butte, Montana 59701
United States
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My real life superpower is...

seeing an answer, without going through the steps first.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Any annual "Best Of" mashup from "Bootie SF"

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

MicroAdventures: Local Discoveries for Great Escapes

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Energy development and sustainability

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Make more regular time each year to doing something different...see something new....learn from someone outside your normal zone of life and work.

Johnny Bosche

CEO @ Conecta Voice Services & Founder @ Chargello // HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Johnny Bosche is the founder of Conecta, a voice services provider for Call Centers, and Co-founder of Chargello, a mobile-device charging platform to be used at venues across industries. Passionate about the interdisciplinary romance between technology and philanthropy, and also develops platforms geared towards social impact. Fervently believes it is possible to change the world with an idea, and that there is no better execution than one driven by human warmth. TEDx'er, kiter, story teller.


3470 E Coast Ave
Apt 904
Miami, FL 33137
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My real life superpower is...

making things happen.

Jong Hwa [Duly] Lee

Estudio Remoto


Duly was born in Korea, grew up in Latin America and educated in the US. With his background in Urban Design (B.A.) and Architecture Design (M.Arch.), he offers a heuristic approach to community building and cultural planning with social and environmental agendas to his projects.

Duly is creator of Festival Abierto, owner of Laser Cutting shop, and co-founder of True Source Energy. He is also an Ashtangi who owns a Yoga Studio + Juicería with his yogi wife in Panama.

In his freer time, he finds himself lost in his art studio or in the jungle hopping islands adventure searching.


Condominio Nerimar, Casa E
Calle Los Guayacanes con Calle 81 E, Altos del Golf, San Francisco
Cuidad de Panamá, Panama none
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My real life superpower is...

listening, connecting and being positive - with military discipline when it comes to production and getting results.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Sébastien Tellier

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Currently reading:

A people who would not kneel by James Howe

The Ten Faces of Innovation by Tom Kelley

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I would like to create a new model of real estate development that instead of focusing on the bottom-line profit model formula, invent a new formula that provides stakeholders the profit they demand, but have social, cultural, educational, environmental and energy agendas as priorities.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Social Responsibility

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Identity issues arising with fast paced development, and multi-cultural place shifting generation.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Never grow up.

Jorge Calderon



Designer and installer of Solar energy , Co -founder of TRUE SOURCE ENERGY INC . Responsible for the design , installation and development of solar energy projects and / or hybrid systems. Always it has in mind the development of self-sustaining for the present and future of our planet communities. ¡Be part of the solution!


Altos del Golf Ave Rep. de la India
PANAMA, Florida general
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My real life superpower is...

self motivation

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Energy power.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Solar Energy

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Solar Energy

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

follow your dreams, never give up,
learn from your parents.

Joseph Mokhtari-Fox

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


Born and raised in Berkeley California, Joseph was struck with a passion for social justice due to the rich diversity of his environment, and also enamored with the natural world. Studying Economics at UC Santa Cruz, he recognized that many of our current systems are set up to create social inequality and are simultaneously destroying the natural world. Rather than pursue a career in the current systems, he spent his years after graduating traveling and looking for organizations passionate about change, which lead him to Kalu Yala Research Institute, Where he is currently a biology Intern.


1732 Chestnut st
Berkeley, Ca 94702
United States
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My real life superpower is...

assessing and solving problems from multiple perspectives with great efficiency

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Little Dragon
Erykah Badu

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Ishmael By Davis
Comfortable with Uncertainty By Pema Chardon

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Integrating conservation values with social systems to make them accessible to the general public and allow them the choice to live in a more sustainable manner. I believe with the right ideas and execution, the fusion of economics, conservation, and modern science is completely able to create a global climate that benefits both human society and the natural world, and I want to be a part of that process.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to have a mentor to teach me the ins and outs of networking, and the avenues that already exist to pursue. I feel like there are so many people doing great things I have no idea about and would love to learn from. Better ways to research and access like-minded communities so I can get involved with people who have goals aligned with mine

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Personal and mental health. I am very self aware and able to ask quality questions to get people to think of where they are coming from mentally and emotionally. I have pursued meditation and alternative philosophies for most of my adult life to gain more clarity on my own struggles and I have always found myself in the position of mentor to my friends and even strangers going through mental or social turmoil.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't do anything because you think you should, really consider what you want and be patient in pursuing it. Just because something takes a long time and you might not have the best resources doesn't make it impossible. Pursue your passion at all costs and don't let money or the lack there of determine your path. There will always be more money and if you put your mind to it and reach out to the right people you can accomplish anything.

Julia Ramadan



From an early age, Julia was able to identify people's gifts and felt compelled to help them flourish. This birthed a series of projects grown from connection. From raising tuition funds for an Indonesian nursing student, to starting an afterschool dance and mentorship program in her community, her passion projects are always varied and heart-led.
Her career started when she met Prince as a college student and became his manager at 21, taking the ultimate crash course in music and life. She's now using what she's learned to help other artists find and share their gifts.


1456 S Wooster St
Apt 1
Los Angeles, California 90035-3441
United States
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My real life superpower is...

a profound sense of calm.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Lianne La Havas

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?


If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Food security

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I have quite varied interests and tons of ideas, but a hard time narrowing them down. I would love to have a mentor who can help me focus in, deep-dive and develop one thing at a time.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I truly love identifying people's gifts and coming up with actionable ways to share them. My background is in music and television, where I've supported artists in a management role. I would love to offer mentorship, friendship and collaboration for developing artists.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Balance the extreme enthusiasm, conversations and collaborations with quiet reflection.

Kea Edwards

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


Kea is an Outdoor Recreation student at the Kalu Yala institute and a recent graduate from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Creative Writing and Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. She is passionate about feminism, storytelling and the great outdoors, and is hoping to find creative ways to combine some of those interests. She is honored to be a part of the HATCH experience and excited to meet everyone!


75 Gardner Road
Brookline, MA 02445
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Punch Brothers

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Saint Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves - Karen Russell

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

After living abroad in Nepal for 4 months, I became very interested in women's education, which is a subject that eventually led me to the issue of unplanned pregnancy around the world and particularly in the US. More than any other factor, becoming pregnant limits women's opportunities, and without proper access and education about birth control, women across the US ages 18-26 are being denied the right to control their own bodies, and thus, their futures. If I could get HATCH to focus on one issue it would be this one, because I believe that would have the greatest effect on our world.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Entrepreneurship and Business Startup Planning

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Outdoor Education/Recreation/Guiding

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do not chose the life that is not yours.

Kristy Strait

Art Director at Kalu Yala


A creative free spirit, bouncing between Atlanta and New York, Kristy's touched a diverse landscape of projects in the world of art, music, and design. Arriving in Panama last year, she became Art Director for Media and Branding at Kalu Yala. Themes of communication, messaging and symbolism are ever present in her evolving scope of work.


365 Driver Circle Court
Alpharetta, GA 30022
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I can hear people in a way where I can draw relationships between seemingly different human experiences and always find a way to empathesize

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Duncan Trussel Family Hour Podcast
You Are The Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

1. Revealing the power of story telling to a global audience- Maybe this is a film translated in every language- (theme of communication) Teaching it's consequences and successes throughout our personal lives, interpersonal relationships, and our collective story of humanity. Showing the dangers and the potentials. Looking at the source of prejudices and misinformation and even self limiting through the stories we tell.
2. Nature Deficit (in low income neighborhoods) - the young boy I mentor told me that the most impactful of positive memories was when I first took him hiking and into nature.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Taking a product from prototype to market. Outsourcing and tapping into the "global local." And most of all, the art of finding the right partners.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

"Trend" forecasting in the visual market space. Aesthetics, composition, and fengshui in 2 and 3 dimensions.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Just Do It.

Lauren Turk

Lauren Turk Music


Lauren is a singer-songwriter, creative consultant, and project manager with a masters in political science and two bachelors in communications and business. Her work has been published by Forbes, Fast Company, GOOD and Life Hacker. She is a two time TEDx speaker, a guest teacher at the Art Center College of Design & an advisor to the LA Clean Tech Incubator. Select consulting projects include the Milken Global Conference, the BET awards, and EarthToParis for the United Nations Foundation. Early 2016, Lauren's first studio album is scheduled to release worldwide.


2636 Kenwood Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90007
United States
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My real life superpower is...

using my voice to create visceral feelings and releases

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

1) FKA Twigs
2) Genevieve

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

This American Life
The Four Hour Work Week

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

1) how to eliminate single use plastics and shift collective consciousness from one of consuming without regard to one with great mindfulness for our impact on the earth/others.
2) how to progress society away from racist/stigmatic notions WITHOUT using mechanisms of separation (us vs. them) but rather togetherness and collaboration (radical inclusion).

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

growing my music career

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

self love
overcoming the ego
running a business with your ex
staying centered throughout traumatic experiences
how to start a start up
how to navigate non-profit fundraising landscapes
on the mentoring of teens and children (various subjects: music, puberty, drugs, safe sex)

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

you have EVERYTHING you need already

Lauren Tucker

Co-Executive Director, Kiss the Ground


Lauren is Co-Executive Director of Kiss the Ground, a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring people to become stewards of the land and take action toward a regenerative future. She is a mother and is passionate about inspiring communities to action. Previous projects include turning a city block into a garden for the community and helping start the nonprofit Green Light New Orleans. Lauren has studied permaculture design, biodynamic farming, and earned a B.A. in International Studies and Psychology from American University.


3769 Grand View Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90066
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I can organize anything.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Alcyon Massive and Rising Appalachia

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Startup Podcast, Bold by Peter H. Diamandis

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Creating a food system where the food is grown regeneratively and everyone has access to it.

To raise consciousness about our impact on the earth and how to shift our actions away from destruction.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business Planning, Public Speaking

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Nonprofit organization and urban farming.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

The only barriers to success are the ones you create for yourself.

Leila Nilipour

Journalist - La Estrella de Panamá


Oregonian by birth, Panamanian and Persian by breed. I've lived and studied in Panama, Austin (TX), Boston (MA), El Salvador, and Isfahan (Iran). My academic background describes me as a dietitian with a master's in food policy and applied nutrition, but these days I call myself a storyteller, with an insatiable curiosity to explore or create new ways of telling them.


P.O. Box 0830-00967
Panama City, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Playa (emerging in Panama)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Radio Ambulante (podcast)
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (book)

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?


What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't be afraid.

Lesley Batista

Wolftrip / designer


Ocean lover, CMO and proudly part of a innovative entrepreneurs pack called Wolftrip, who are developing an amazing adventure travel app for those who share the same passion as us. Graphic Designer and marketing coordinator at Urbe Desarrollo y Construcción. Passionate about photography and illustration.


Vista Alegre, Villas de la Alameda 3rd street, #47
panama, panama 507
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My real life superpower is...

super relentless

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Led Zeppelin and Björk

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Old Man and the Sea , Ernest Hemingway
Neirad, Eduardo Verdumen

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Social Entrepreneuship Education

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

experience design, design thinking, marketing, investors.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

visual communication

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Never ever doubt of yourself when you are curious about something, clear your mind, focus and strive to be happy, the power is inside of you so pull it out and be relentless.

Lou Morris



Originally from Northern Minnesota, Lou Morris studied broadcasting at Northland College. After a career on the airwaves, he transitioned into the print/publishing industry.

Morris and his family have enjoyed living in Montana for over 20 years where he continues to provide his clients with business solutions through paper, ink and technology. Lou has had the privilege of being part of the HATCH family since its inception in 2004. He has had the opportunity to assist as a Coordinator in many areas of HATCH currently serving as one of the Ground Breaker Coordinators.


124 West Shore Drive
Belgrade, Montana 59714
United States
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My real life superpower is...

the power of observation. I'll show you what I mean at HATCH

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

recently became enamoured with the soulful sounds of
Natalie Nicole Gilbert

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

WILDCAT by Dillinger Steele

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

"Society" has received the blame for nurturing irreverent and dangerous attitudes in our world.

It is time to teach the original "Society" the family to accept a greater measure of the responsibility.

Let's work together to motivate "Society" to live up to its potential

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I'd like to learn how to better focus my benevolent efforts to produce the most good.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Life Coach and Career Counselor.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Bluffing works great when you are playing cards, but in life you must listen to learn.

Lyn Bishop

Art Farm Panama


I am a lifestyle artist, farmer and entrepreneur who harvested my successful Silicon Valley design practice to relocate to Panama in search of a simpler and more sustainable way of life. On my permaculture-inspired farm in Chiriqui, I am crafting the LYN (Love Yourself Now) Lifestyle platform, cultivating meaningful creative experiences through interdisciplinary retreats, residencies, farming opportunities and educational programs that encourage experimental learning, inspired playfulness, the delight of discovery and creative exchanges between individuals, communities, cultures and the world.


Correo 0415 00085
Telephono 6251-4464
La Concipcion, Chiriqui 0145 Cotel Bugaba
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@artfarmpanama, @Love_8_Yourself

My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity (podcast)
Women Who Glow in the Dark — Elena Avila (book)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Helping people activate their own self love.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

- Putting the big picture into actionable steps.
- Learning it's safe to be seen, and to ask for help.
- Learning how to find awesome resources & amazing team members.
- Networking with other change makers
- Understanding how to navigate business relationships in L. America

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

- Assisting others in seeing their true value and encouraging self love.
- Inspiring big dreams and visions
- brainstorming, creative visualizations, guided meditations
- illuminating others creative brilliance.
- social media messaging, branding, graphic solutions.
- organic farming, permaculture, medicine making, value added ideas

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Learning to Love Yourself Now is the most important skill that you need in order to live your true and authentic life and will allow you to launch your biggest dreams with complete confidence.

Maghnus Mareneck

Web Developer, The Go Game


I'm a student, software developer, entrepreneur and Sivananda yoga teacher who's lived a fair while in Zen Buddhist Monasteries. Perhaps the result of being raised by a Wall Street broker and a sincere Yogi for parents, I'm constantly striving to close the gap in life between spirituality, mindfulness, technology, and business. Currently, I've been developing a series of iOS applications merging neuroscience and deceptively-simple, immersive gameplay to teach complex topics to a wider-reaching demographic. Think flappy-bird and duolingo combined -- to teach how the brain works!


825 5th Avenue Apt. 8D
New York, NY 10065
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Yikes! Well, my humility may be one 🙂 If I had to say, I'd say I can communicate extremely clearly through scientific and emotional means.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

I make electronic music and love it when artists push the boundaries in amazing new styles. Check out Kodomo - especially the 'concepts'

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Eight Gates of Zen (by Daido Roshi), and Structures, Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (by J.E. Gordon)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Finding ways to make learning and productive action as exciting and immersive, if not more so, than our usual entertainment. Example: using mobile platforms and high-quality gaming to teach important concepts in ways that don't feel like the classic 'educational game.' Additionally, finding ways to package mindfulness and meditation into education, and convincing our culture of its usefulness in daily life. Most likely, by using technology to demonstrate in an immediate, tangible way, the benefits of spiritual practice (experientially), and encourage further development.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love a mentor in game-design, software team-management, and simple (yet effective) ways to teach neuroscience. General entrepreneurial advice from those experienced would be greatly appreciated, as I'm in the beginning stages! Also, I would love to hear from any spiritual practitioners who have found ways to incorporate mindfulness and spirituality into their professional work. Of course, I'm interested in mentorship from any game designers, neuroscientists, meditators, app-developers, alchemists, and especially people who have find ways to blend these things together.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Anyone seeking to learn more about spirituality, the yogic diet (Ayurveda), meditation, yogic living, the tangible effects of these things and how to incorporate them into an extremely busy life (from personal experience). However, probably best of all, I can mentor any students in how to use their skills and creativity to carve out a life dedicated to their passions instead of having their path dictated for them externally.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Ignore the things in your life that, after trying and spending some time with them, don't fit you or make you grow. Even if people around you have hyped those things up from their own experiences, you may have a totally different personal reaction, and that's fine. Essentially, don't assume what worked for one (or many), will work for you. Your own path is beautiful, and it doesn't have to look like someone else's. 🙂

Marc Robillard

Marc Robillard Music Composer/songwriter/artist


Marc Robillard is a Canadian born, Los Angeles based songwriter and producer. After years of writing and producing music for film and television and releasing three albums and multiple singles, Robillard is now expanding his musical wings and venturing into uncharted waters with his new. The music will be a mash up of everything under the sun, from guitars, to synths, to experimental sounds and everything else in between, while all the while still maintaining a strong sense of infectious indie pop sound behind it.


618 Venezia ave
unit c
Venice, CA 90291
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

21 Pilots

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The tibetan book of living and dying

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Climate change

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Live performance, public interaction, building my brand and attaching it to causes that are close to my heart.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Music production, songwriting.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Always be in action and get out of your own head.

Marc Angelo Coppola

Superhero Academy


Having Founded the Valhalla Movement Foundation, Superhero Academy and WISDOM – Marc Angelo is a character dedicated to having an impact. Defining success in unconventional measures he has earned a living by applying the skills of entrepreneurship and marketing for a cause. Marc Angelo's thirst for exploring and the pursuit of new ideas and ways to growing the sustainability movement into a mainstream lifestyle is unquenchable.


9064 Rimouski
Brossard, Quebec j4x2s3
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My real life superpower is...

The ability to tell an engaging story that shifts perspectives and culture

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Walk Off The Earth

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Bold - Peter Diamandis
Money: Mastering the Game - Tony Robbins

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

To help build alternative off grid schools around the planet that empower everyday people to step into roles of philanthropreneurship. Basically I would love to activate more every day superheroes to take on the world's biggest challenges and help build physical sustainable schools that allow this kind of education to thrive and spread.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to learn more about how to grow a speaking career and do more high level consulting for movement building - and philanthropic / entrepreneurial ideas.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer tons of value and mentorship to those looking to do storytelling and marketing - movement building and entrepreneurship coaching, accountability and support.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

The bigger the dream the easier it will be to achieve - ironically enough...

Aim big and always work with the best - not the most convenient.

Margareth Villanueva



People say I'm crazy and I say "The crazies and the genuises can change the world" Co-founder, CEO of Wolftrip.com Startup for adventure travelers, which is not just an App is a community for people who want new experiences and share them with travelers who have the wild same interests.
I am also founder of "One smile can change the world" Movenment focused on empowering young people all over Latin America, and Co-founder of "Emocionarte" at NGO that helps childrens at socials risk in Panama City to be leaders for their communities. I think what makes us different is what makes us special.


Panama, Panama
Av. Balboa
Panama, Panama 507
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The mowglis

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Education in Latin America, where not only teach childrens how to get good grades on a test, also how to get out of their confort zones, be different and explore its limits.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

One word "Investors", I would love to receive mentoring and advice of other things too but this is definitely one of the main.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Entrepreneurship, How leaving the confort zone, how validate your idea, how to be a good leader.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

I have a saying "Allways follow a north although it means to you to go south". We must learn to break the limits they put on our minds since childhood, think differently and be sure that if we can imagine something is because there is a way to do it.

Maria Teresa Arnal

CEO J Walter Thompson Company Mexico


Maria Teresa is the CEO of J Walter Thompson Company in Mexico, the controlling firm in Mexico of J. Walter Thompson, Colloquial and Mirum -the new global agency that brings together 11 digital agencies spanning 17 countries and 40 offices. She is responsible for the company’s business growth and the further development of the services offered by the Group.  Mariate, as commonly known, is the founder and CEO of Clarus, now Mirum, and one of the leading marketing companies in Mexico. She is a mentor at Endeavor, Wayra and StartUp Mexico and a major contributor to the online industry in Mexico.


Carretera Mexico Toluca 2822 TH2
Lomas de Bezares
Mexico, DF 11910
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Internet is not the Answer. The Second Machine Age.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

How technology can help bridge education gap in Latin America.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How to grow influence and Impact of Women in Business and the World.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Business, Digital Business and Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Parenting.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

You are your own limit.

Marilu Salvador

National Director of Basic Education


Marilu is a passionate educator that has worked for more than 20 years to improve education in the region. She has been a professor, director, trainer and mentor; but the role that she has always enjoyed the most is of teacher.
Currently, Marilu is the national director for basic education at the Ministry of Education in Panama. She is in charge of innovative programs in the areas of reading comprehension, mathematical problem-solving and scientific inquiry to improve teaching methodology and student learning. She is a Fellow of the Central American Leadership Initiative (CALI) class XI.


El Carmen Ricardo Miro St. #F1A
Panama, Panama 5
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My real life superpower is...

I can inspire and motivate

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Senior Loop

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Best Teachers in the World by John E. Chubb and Whatever It Takes by Paul Tough

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Building learning communities

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I have no problem with public speaking but I have a very hard time speaking in front of a camara. I would love help with this. Also, I would like to have a mentor to support team management and motivation.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Education, teaching, mentoring, creating educational programs.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Pick your battels.
Don’t be so hard on yourself!
Caring for others in the best way to take care of yourself.
Every challenge is an opportunity.

Marissa Cepelinski

Co-Founder and Financial Advisor at Capital Core Financial


Marissa is a passionate and highly driven leader with over 12 years of experience in the field of finance. As Co-Founder of Capital Core Financial, Marissa helps her clients overcome their emotional limitations around money, and guides them towards a path to sustainable wealth. With a company goal to redirect one billion dollars from CRA towards the non-profit, Marissa is on a mission to help people implement charitable giving into their financial plan. Clean water projects in Ethiopia, and feeding the homeless in Vancouver are among the various projects that Marissa is personally involved in


2158 W 1st Ave- Apt 1
Vancouver, BC V6K 1E8
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My real life superpower is...

Izumi Miki McGruer.
She manages and oversees so many people and projects, but is so present and caring with everyone she encounters.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Iron & Wine

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"Oh, The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I would like to see everyone in the world with their basic survival needs satisfied. Everyone should having access to clean water, food, shelter and education. I just came back from Ethiopia where we set up a school and clean water well for a village after raising 100,000. We have the capacity to do so much more than we are doing. In today's world, people shouldn't be dying due to lack of clean water and/or food. I believe everyone should have a chance at life and we all have a responsibility in this.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Balance. With a strong A-type personality and a very "all or nothing" mentality, I have always struggled with balance. I have a hard time turning off and am very hard on myself. I have high expectations of myself and of others on my team and would like to be nicer to myself and more patient/gentle/compassionate with my team.

Also, I would like to learn to let go. I'm a complete control freak.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I coached in a personal development program for 7 years and love working with people on their emotional limitations around money/goals etc.
Human behaviour fascinates me and I love working with people to help them see how they are limiting themselves.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Be nice to yourself, you’re doing the best you can.

Mark Goerner

Conceptual designer


Drawn to industrial and conceptual thinking, Mark pursued vehicle and environment design with a futuristic mindset. He has contributed concept development for New Line Cinema, Disney, Fox, Rhythm and Hues, BMW/Designworks, Intel, Toyota, Honda and the High Roller in Las Vegas.  Concept illustration for: “Minority Report”, “Constantine”,“X-men 2”, “Superman”, “Iron Man 2", “Thor”, "Fantastic Voyage", "Avitar" and "Battle Angel Alita”. His new studio centers around innovative products, and inspirational visions of spaces not yet known.


1900 Garden Street
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I use my power of comprehensive thinking to bend problems using shape, form and color to confront their pathetic constraints with brutality.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Right now.. well, I've been a bit too busy to track new music, but have been listening to Meat Beat Manifesto and Luke Vibert recently.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Of recent I have been dipping into past content in my archive. An art book on Alphonse Mucha and "Patents" by Ben Ikenson.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Innovative products that help connect people with their creative and thoughtful self. Interactivity arts in the public spaces. Mass transit and vehicle design solutions that address the many issues coming from energy and manufacturing waste.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would relish having a mentor that could guide my direction in product making and how to be better woven into the world of difference makers. Essentially, connecting to the legitimate ways to the betterment of things using my voice in design, art and collaboration.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I love to aid on solving complex issues. Teaching drawing and communication skills to those that share an interest in design and artful existence.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Get on it! Wear weird shit more often. Speak clearly and without excessive filtering. Stay clear of posers and idiots. Leave Hollywood earlier. Don't date the phycho chick with the purple fetish.. or the beauty contest winner for that matter. Build more stuff. Read more, play an instrument. Buy that set of Bertoia chairs in the Milwaukee Antique mall.

Mark Brand

CEO MB Inc/A Better Life Foundation


Mark Brand is is one of Vancouver’s most recognized social entrepreneurs. Successfully operating eight businesses in the downtown area, he has become a prominent example of a new generation of leadership. This social entrepreneur is determined to breathe new life into the struggling and disjointed communities. He’s doing this by finding a balance between sound business practices and social justice, and founded the SavOnMeats meal token for food program bridging people who want to give and people who need the support. Brand has been recruited to speak on issues of social inclusion including integrating diverse communities, unconventional solutions to social issues, zero food wastage mandates, collaboration and partnerships, and food security. It is through his philanthropic efforts and love for his community that Brand has found a unique balance, proving that you can be successful in business while contributing to the betterment of your community.


608 33 Water Street
Buzzer 7779
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B1R4
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My real life superpower is...

Seeing the real life superpower in everyone, especially out marginalized citizens and empowering them to be the change.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Ignore Everyone - Hugh Macleod

Find Me Unafraid - Kennedy Odede

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Creating upward mobility through tech, for isolated and marginalized populations


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Social Justice
Food Systems
Management of Small and Large teams
Unconventional Solutions
Development of proper community

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Stay true

Marnie Brumder

Concept Artist


I fancy myself a visual story teller and I draw things for a living. I have been working in SF/Bay Area based video game companies for six years as an illustrator, animator and concept artist. I graduated LMU with a BA in Animation and a major in Classical Civilizations.

I like coffee, video games, bread loaf shaped animals, plants, crafting, Burning Man and my wonderful friends!


80 Cresente Blvd
Bolinas, California 94924
United States
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My real life superpower is...

If it is fluffy, round, dangerous and wonderful, I will find it.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

El Búho

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Book: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Podcasts: Hardcore History, Snap Judgement

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Laughter and joy.
I would love to tell short stories

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

-Freelance career
-Writer's block

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

-Commercial art career advice

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't take everything so seriously.

Matthew Hotsko



Matthew is a Panamanian architect and founder of EcoStudio Association, a non-profit that is activating Fabrication Laboratories across the country. He is working with the US based e-NABLE community to bring complimentary 3D printed prostheses to disabled people in Panama; in addition, he is concurrently working with the government of Panama to create training and job opportunities for the disabled. Matthew is passionate about the biodiversity Panama has to offer and would ultimately like to incorporate into EcoStudio a program to replicate natural systems for germinating and studying flora.


Aptdo 0843-03480
Ancon, Central America 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Problem solving

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Pink Floyd
Jim Croce

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

'Wilderness Survival' by Bernard Shanks
'Thinking Architecture' by Peter Zumthor

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Develop a massive reforestation campaign for Earth Day, parallel to Panama's government's pledge to reforest 1 million hectares of land through the UN's REDD+ network. Reforestation campaigns have % failure due to lack of follow-up and maintenance. The HATCH network could host a conference at 'City of Knowledge' to discuss and design with the public a plan to maintain reforested areas and show how extended involvement raises the value of the initial investment as well as the lifespan of the campaign. Work with CATHALAC and their global earth observation system for modeling natural systems.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Hybrid non-profit business models
Tropical Rain forest forestry, to learn about which molecules with applications are sought after.
Education systems, to learn about existing models of schools paying for students to take external classes, to complete a course that the school doesn't have the budget to have the tools to teach, but still gives credit for.
Transportation & Logistics, to get a better understanding of the costs and risks of setting up a network of paid bus drivers that travel to marginalized communities and bring them to primary, secondary or tertiary training centers.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Business Management, non-profit and associations in Panama,
System design in Panama's climate, irrigation systems, shade structure, landscape design,
3D design and modeling
Orchid Propagation

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

You, common street rat
"Touch nothing but the lamp." You,
Diamond in the rough.

Matthew Duffy

Kalu Yala Agriculture Director


I'm the Kalu Yala Agriculture Director. I am a permaculturalist, farmer, writer, and hotspitter who strives to inspire individuals and organize community. I believe that true community creates environment for people to discover their creative niches towards benefit to the greater community and the planet. Lets build!


17 Lakeview Drive
Whispering Pines, North Carolina 28327
United States
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My real life superpower is...

My lyrical sword is dangerously sharp. I can channel the universe with words.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Grizzly Bear and Hiatus Kaiyote

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski and Republic Lost by Lawrence Lessig

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Working to connect artists with their tribe.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

In nomadic entreprenuership

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Compassion, mindfullness, writing,

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Love yourself.

Max Cooper

COO / Kalu Yala Institute


A builder who farms thoughts and advances conversations in the realm of experiential education. Originally from Floyds Knobs, Indiana, Max has been located in Panama for the last 5 years learning from thought leaders while developing the Kalu Yala Institute. Through experiential education we help to foster the dreams of people who come to learn from the process of building Kalu Yala's community. My proudest moments as a pioneer within the Kalu Yala community are centered around spearheading our move from Panama City to the Tres Brazos area and building relationships in the local community.


Kalu Yala
Calle Colombia
Panama City, Panama Big Pink House
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My real life superpower is...

Excellent Executer-

I am a task-oriented thinker who loves painting the big picture one step at a time.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Allan Rayman

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Tropical Nature: Life and Death in the Tropics of Central and South America

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Global Water Shortages / Global Warming

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Management / Higher Ed. / Entrepreneurship / Creative Art

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Building (Construction) / How to live a simple life

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Focus on the future not on the past!

Megan Pelham

Business & Entrepreneurship Program Director, Kalu Yala


An environmental engineer turned business enthusiast, Megan has grown with Kalu Yala in Panama over the last 3 years striving to help develop the community's sustainable business development model. Her desire to try anything once has led to some interesting career moves, including her current shift to launch Kalu Yala's hospitality business, The Camp.


6501 E Hermosa Vista Dr
Mesa, AZ 85215
United States
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My real life superpower is...

asking the hard questions.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Path Between the Seas (book) & Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior (book)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Literacy, more specifically access to literature. Rural education systems are plagued by the younger sibling syndrome- they only get what the other schools aren't using any more. This leads to unstimulated minds, both young and old, that don't have anything they feel proud and excited about knowing. So many of the world's issues are rooted in poor education, but I believe personal education, the ability to hold information in your hands, is the best way to activate young minds.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Empathy/Self-awareness. I tend to go a mile a minute and at times miss when I've left someone behind, which just leads to frustration for all parties.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I'm a great organizer and prioritizer. I see a lot of people shy away from the hard questions that would allow them to set better goals and get more done.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't get sucked into "the dream"- pick your own path everyday

Melissa Monge

Executive Director & Co-Founder


Melissa Monge is a passionate dreamer and doer. Co-Founder
and Executive Director of Ideas en Acción, NGO and donor-advised fund that identifies, executes and spreads social innovation projects with high potential of replicability and international relevance for sustainable development. She studied Communications and since then has worked developing and facilitating Social Responsibility strategies, co-organizing the TEDxPuraVidaJoven event in Costa Rica. She believes in the power of collaboration and aspires to generate true social impact at a large scale.


P.O. Box 8-4720-1000
San Jose, San José 1000
Costa Rica
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My real life superpower is...

I can organize my time to always spend quality time with the people I love (including myself!) 🙂

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Gandhi (Costa Rica) just released their new album & Shane Koyzcan and the Short Story Long

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo, not as new but worth re-visiting!

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I would love to work towards empowering more women in general and specifically into STEM. There is a lot being done in the United States, and we are slowly having an impact in Latin America... I think it would be highly beneficial to collaborate in order to deepen that impact and scale to more countries.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Right now, in preparing how to be a mom and be running your own organization :), health, team management.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I could offer mentorship in building a start-up, NGO. / Work-life balance / Time management

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Trust the timings of your life.

Michal Pomianowski

Mike Polarny (Pompon Music)


A real sound traveler who never stops touring the world. While exploring nature and cultures, he incorporates
local flavors into his electronic music. His recent track “Trip To Cuba” recorded in Havana made him the winner
of the contest by the legendary Ninja Tune Records and the prestigious music school Dubspot New York.


Dubienska 14/5
Warszawa, mazowieckie 04331
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My real life superpower is...

inspiring people by music

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Zule Guerra (Cuba)
Yasek Manzano (Cuba)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The End is My Beginning - Tiziano Terzani

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

redistribution of wealth - through music & art made by local artists, paid by westerners

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Teamwork / building a start-up. I have a pretty precise idea, lot of experience, great contacts. I've been always working individually, freelance, trying to live my dream life. And it's been great. However, I probably need to make a real big step forward, to build a meaningful and sustainable music business, focus on a big picture, bring a positive change to the world on a bigger scale than today. I might need professionals who believe in my idea and share those values.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Living a brave life (making decisions, leaving your comfort zone). Traveling. DJing. Or snowboarding... 😉

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Breath deeply. Enjoy the moment. Share. Be happy. Relations are important.

Michelle Thaller

Deputy Director of Communication/NASA


Dr. Michelle Thaller is a NASA astrophysicist and the host of Discovery Science Channel's How the Universe Works and NPR's Orbital Path podcast series. She has been a featured guest at Doctor Who conventions and has given two TEDx talks. She had serious geek cred before it was cool.


686 Discovery Rd
Davidsonville, MD 21035
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Passionate connection and bad dancing

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Lord Huron

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Orbital Path
Crash Course Astronomy

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Space science, climate change
Geek culture

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Connection, passion, science, media, confidence, living life outside of your comfort zone.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Science, media, government relations.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Have sex with as many people as possible. Dance every chance you can. Travel, travel, travel, even if it means running up your credit cards. Realize that it is up to you to say yes or no to whatever you want in life.

Michelle Finizio

Associate/XRC Labs


Michelle Finizio is a founding member of XRC Labs, a NYC-based retail tech and consumer product startup accelerator. Prior to XRC Labs, Michelle was a marketer at Deloitte for Fortune 500 consumer product brands while consulting with various startups within the NYC entrepreneurial community. When she is not doing hobbies like snowboarding and waterskiing or volunteering for Experience Camps, a camp for grieving children, Michelle is working on her newest project, FUSE, a network of industry leaders designed to help member navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others.


222 Avenue B Apt 3R
New York, NY 10009
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Discovering people's super powers by creating deep and meaningful connections quickly.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Uber and Tesla

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Tim Ferris Show and The Reboot Podcast

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Teaching youth (under 20) how to lead by refining their ability to connect with others through storytelling, authenticity, public speaking, and enhanced interpersonal skills. In doing so, youth will feel more connected and empowered to their community and peer group and, therefore, less lonely, less likely to join gangs, less likely to turn to drugs, or other negative outlets.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business fundamentals. Investing.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Sales, marketing, communications.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't do anything for the money. Live for the experience. Better stories are worth far more than any dollar amount you can have in your bank account.

Mike Zuckerman

Culture Hacker - Freespace


Mike Zuckerman, [freespace]
Mike Zuckerman is a Culture Hacker and co-founder of [ freespace ] that started in San Francisco in 2013 and has opened physical spaces in 10 cities around the world with the goal of improving civic life. Mike is a Research Affiliate at the think tank Institute for the Future where his researching the commons, future governance and reimagining protests. Mike’s other projects include a sustainable nightclub and post disaster work in Haiti, Philippines and Nepal.


1200 Emerson St
Palo Alto, CALIFORNIA 94301
United States
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My real life superpower is...

convincing others and idea is good.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Grimes, D.A Wallace

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

operating manual for spaceship earth - all time
how to think like a commoner

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

locating empty buildings around the world that we can offer for free to engaged communities around the world.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

long term life planning

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

finding purpose and doing things differently

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.

Min Chen

Alcenit Corporation


Min is a multicultural entrepreneur, software engineer, photography enthusiast and active volunteer. After working for many organizations and getting her Master of Software Engineering degree at Carnegie Mellon University, Min founded Alcenit Corporation in 2006 to provide IT advisory services to the leading companies and most influential government institutions in Panama. Since she became the chair of IEEE Women in Engineering Panama in 2014, this volunteer organization has received multiple worldwide awards for its work in promoting women in STEM fields.


Alcenit Corporation
Building 235, City of Knowledge, Clayton
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

seeing the depth of simple ideas and working through complexity to create simplicity.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I believe technology is a great tool to change the world if used wisely. I am particularly interested in empowering people through technology, i.e. access to education, access to health, let their voice be heard, alternative ways of income, inclusion. I am also interested in resource efficiency, i.e. doing more with less energy and time.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How to create a meaningful life, how to take my startups to a global market, how to grow myself and my companies.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

How to start a company from scratch, how to endure difficult times, how and when technology can help

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Your most difficult obstacle is yourself. Don't limit yourself with your current knowledge and skills. Keep learning and step outside of your comfort zone by trying new things. Work hard but take it easy and be kind to yourself. Being a workaholic is not a good thing. It is the worst addiction one could suffer because society applauds it. And don't waste your time with people and things just to be responsible or nice. Learn to be assertive. The path to success is filled with failures. Every "no" gets you closer to a "yes". Success is living the life you want. What does that life look like?

Miranda Halling

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


Miranda is currently a business development intern at Kalu Yala. She has a degree in marketing and graphic design but is passionate about activating the minds of the youth and being a positive role model in the community. She also loves to travel and seeks experiences that will challenge and expand her knowledge in order to turn her passions into a chance to positively impact the world and lives of others.


2620 26th ave se
Rochester, Minnesota 55904
United States
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My real life superpower is...

the ability to listen, understand, and empathize with others by trying to put myself in someone else's shoes.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

If I could activate the Hatch network to collaborate on one particular issue it would be child poverty and improving their lives through education, nutrition, and extracurricular activities such as sports, photography, or agriculture.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would like to have a mentor in areas such as building my communication and confidence in my communication and networking skills. Another area would be to help activate my passions for creating things such as baking and photography and again- being confident in my abilities and to pursue more learning opportunities. Another top area of desired mentorship would be finding a way to make a world impact while utilizing my desire to travel and make a positive impact in the lives of the youth world wide.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

If I could give the younger version of myself advice, it would be to really apply myself to things that interest me and not hold back because of fear of what others might think of me. I would tell myself to always be proud of who I am and never lose sight of my true values.

Namibia Donadio-Mejia

co-founder/ ARTIS LOVE + ACTION


Namibia is a strategic thought partner for conscious creatives. Born in Panama, based in NYC, she connects people, art, education, social justice. As facilitator and coach, she leads people on journeys of self un-covery. With over 11 years experience building capacity among leaders in politics, art and education, she co-founder ARTIS Love + Action, which supports trans-disciplinary collaboration and strengthens networks of dreamers and doers. She also coaches visionaries who want to turn their passions into a lifestyle through her company Libelula Visions LLC.


931 Garden St. Apt 5R
Hoboken, State 07030
United States
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myndrevolutions / artisloveandaction

My real life superpower is...

Drawing out people's superpowers!

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Peace Poets, Intikana

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Women Who Run with Wolves, By clarissa Pinkola Estes

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Radical Wellness, self care and Community care in the art industry, educational and non-profit sectors. Many of the spaces that seek to help other people burn out their workers and create cultures of scarcity and exhaust. How can we connect to create new rules and support dreamers and doers across fields and disciplines so we can feel Healthy, Sustainable, Motivated and Free?

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Connecting to large political and educational institutions interested in creative social justice collaborations.

Self Branding. Or, in general someone who can listen to who I am, what I do and where I want to go and can help me connect all of the pieces together and talk about it.

Creating Think-Tanks, and retreats (like HATCH)

How to capitalize on my inherent ability to be a connector (of people and organizations)

Social Entrepreneurship (hybrid models of companies B-Corps, L3Cs)

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Personal development (re-member-ing) your tools of strength and true purpose.

Group Identity Formation:
How to facilitate effective interactive community/group building.

Curriculum development

Arts + mixed media integration

History of Latin America (and the impact of colonialism and economy of the mindset of today's culture)

Strategizing for ideas and projects

Envisioning, Creating a game plan to meet goals

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

stick with the piano!

natalia pastor

Inprovider S.A


Natalia,managing partner of Inprovider S.A, a consulting company for business process management (BPM) and information technology.With a focus on processes,Inprovider has developed innovative management models by designing and building simple and value-added technology platforms.I try to fill each project I participate in with the values and ideals that guide my life and personal development. As a manager, concepts such as Unity, Cooperation and Flexibility are key in my daily work facing challenges.I’m passionate about learning, researching, discovering new paths and new ways of doing things.


avenida apoquindo
4700 piso 11 Las Condes
Santiago, RM 8340518
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My real life superpower is...

Create, managing, discovering new paths and new ways of doing things and plays vinyls as a real DJ

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Ricardo Villalobos (producer, no band)

Camila Moreno

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The 4-Hour Workweek

El Hermitaño Método (Oleg Cherne)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

connect HAtch network in my Country with diferent people
colaborate in new proyects, creating

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

non standard proyect develop. Innovation , creativity in proyects that united diferent kinds of knowledge (science, art, natural life) permaculture, construction.. etc

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

develop a new company , Business process managment

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Feel free to dream and be what you want without fear. Explore art, music, science and always be in contact with nature.

Natalie Grande

Student, Kalu Yala institute / Design Thinking


Strongly identifying as an explorer in all aspects of life, Natalie came to Kalu Yala as a Design Thinking intern through a circumstance of luck, adventure, and a desire to escape the cold. As a Junior at Ithaca College, Natalie created her own major in Social Systemic Design, an interdisciplinary approach to organizational culture and design. As a lifelong explorer, the future will be full of doing what she loves in a variety of mediums- making connections, helping communities, and connecting humans to their surroundings.


17 Mendl Terrace
Montclair, NJ 07042
United States
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My real life superpower is...

using the power of words to emphasize, connect, and encourage

Nick Cooper

Chief Innovator


1st American to have a one hour special on China's top entertainment network "Hunan TV".
1st Creative Director for Hunan TV, in association with one of the top producers for the country.
Vocal Coach on American Idol
Co-Star of E Television's television show 'Opening Act'
Chief Visionary of the Los Angeles based 'Vocal Corner Store', working with such artists as Jason Derulo, Zendaya, Aloe Blacc, David Duchovny, Omar Sy, America's Got Talent, X Factor, Jennifer Lopez, Terrence Howard, Jada Pinkett-Smith etc.
Nick is credited for vocal producing 4 hits for Nicki Minaj to arranging for Beyonce.


1111 South Grand Ave.
Suite 901
Los Angeles, CA 90015
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Encouraging and healing souls.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Earth Wind & Fire

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Disrupt yourself & Good to Great.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

1. The art of funding valuable concepts
2. How to create a subscription based business
3. Strategies to maximize my potential and monetize my IP
4. Practical methods to create social proliferation of my brand, and strategies to advance online P.R. (For the world).
5. How to leverage my warm market/clients to create a greater company narrative, without seeming trite or self serving.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Career Counseling
I am willing to leverage music as a caveat to help Hatchers realize inner and outer change. This is for people of all industries.
I'm open and willing to lend an ear to those who may feel unheard, or relegated to the shadow of their greater self.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

The road toward greatness is less about what you understand and more of what you are willing to believe you can achieve. Failure is imminent, but one's willingness to be resilient is the key creating financial legacy.

Nicko Nogués

Founder & Chief Creator Activist at MIRACLE, The First Kindness Company


Nicko Nogues has a recognised international career, which stand out because of his vision and creativity, where he has created many worldwide projects with a great social commitment and leading the Creative Activism movement among his generation. In December 2013, Nogués founds MIRACLE, the first Kindness company, 100% focused in using creativity to empower companies, governments and people to raise their consciousnes, finding a purpose and making real good actions to improve our context.


Gomez Pedraza 21
Mexico, Mexico 37700
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My real life superpower is...

Inspiring others by my Vision and Creativity.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

T.Harv podcast, about business and spirituality.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Changing how we understand the make Goodness and make business today.

Reviewing what we understand by education and success.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business models and Sustentability, b corporations and renewable energies.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Creativity, design, design thinking, strategy.

From creative to creator, or how to use your creativity to solve problems and creating a social and economic benefit on the way.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Trust always in Life but no necessarily always in everybody.

Nicole Orillac

Corporate Citizenship Manager, Central America & Caribbean, Samsung


Nicole's passion lies in unleashing the potential at the intersection of business solutions and social impact. This has taken her to work in projects in the private and non-profit sectors in the U.S., India and Latin America.

She currently combines her global experience and cross-sector knowledge as Corporate Citizenship Manager at Samsung, developing regional social impact strategies in education and technology.

She also co-founded Atómica to offer consulting services in organizational capacity building, efficiency and impact optimization for Nonprofits, start-ups and SMEs in Panama.


El Cangrejo, Calle Andres Bello, PH Porto Real, apt 1
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Connecting & simplifying. Connecting concepts, opportunities and people into something tangible and actionable.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

U2, Jack Johnson

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"The business model canvas" for business. "The 5 love languages" for personal life. One extra, as a classic, "A hundred years of solitude"

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

1) Connecting the parallel realities of the rich and poor in Latin America

If the path of people living in these two parallel worlds was to cross in a meaningful way allowing for a deep understanding of each other's needs and reality, development would be an easier conversation.

2) Improving quality of education in Latin America

This is a must for improving quality of life of everyone, especially those living in poverty, and it needs to happen now. This implies rethinking what is education, redesigning the system that delivers it and the path to achieve it.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

- Integrating family life and ambitious dreams.
- Staying connected to innovation and thought leaders from my new home, Panama.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

- Changing paths and careers with confidence.
- Starting from scratch
- Connecting the profit and non-profit sectors.
- Travel and adventure as a vehicle for personal growth
- Working at a startup, family enterprise or a corporation.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Do not take life or things so seriously! Relax and enjoy the journey. Be kind to yourself, no one is perfect. Learn from every stumble and focus on your personal growth. You can change yourself but not others, and the actions of others are their own choice, not a reflection of something that you say or do.
Be humble, always listen more than you speak and do not forget to celebrate your achievements!
Never stop exploring the world and travel as much as you can. The experience will enrich you with new perspectives and memories.

Nigel Cummings

Student, Kalu Yala Institute / Design Thinking


Nigel Cummings is a New York born designer and student at Kalu Yala currently taking a break from his architectural studies at the Rhode Island School of Design. He is a firm believer that in order to truly innovate we must revisit and rethink our design principles and practices in order to allow ourselves to challenge the norms of society and design in order to truly allow ourselves to innovate.


23 Clubway
Hartsdale, New York Hartsdale
United States
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My real life superpower is...

My real life superpower is my ability to view problems from both sides of the arguments and then working with both sides to solve the issue.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

I would recommend Grouper, the solo project of Liz Harris

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

The lack of incorporation of the natural world in design is an issue I am most strongly interested in. This is one of the main reasons for my deciding to study architecture and urban planning. I believe that communities work better together and foster environments ideal for individual and community growth when they have something to be proud of. This access to green space improves every aspects of life for residents and I would love to see future communities designed with the natural world in mind. In order to save our world we must give future generations something to be proud of.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I am an architecture + urban design student interested in alternative forms of design, the availability of well designed public recreation spaces, public health and wellness design and in community enrichment. I would appreciate a mentor who understands the world of architecture and planning and who is also knowledgeable in the world of uncommon design practices and materials. I am most interested in challenging the norms of architecture and design but know that I can not do so without some form of mentorship.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I do not believe that I can offer mentorship at this stage in my life.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

As I am only twenty years old I do not believe that I have anything substantial to tell my younger self.

Nirvan Mullick



Filmmaker, speaker, and social entrepreneur. Nirvan directed Caine's Arcade, founded the Imagination Foundation, and was Creative Director for the #EarthToParis campaign for GOOD and the UN Foundation. He lives in LA, serves on the Board of CicLAvia, and is working on several documentary projects. www.nirvan.com


1327 Willow St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Making moments and movements.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Climate Change and Creativity/Education for kids.

Ondi Timoner

Director / Interloper Films


Ondi's a filmmaker. She won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival twice - for DIG! (2004) about the collision of art & commerce through the star-crossed rivalry between two bands & WE LIVE IN PUBLIC (2009) about Internet visionary Josh Harris. Both films were acquired by MoMA NY. Her other award-winning features are The Nature of the Beast (1994), Join Us (2007), COOL IT (2010) & BRAND: A Second Coming (2015). In 2016 Ondi will produce & direct a scripted film she wrote called MAPPLETHORPE. She hosts/produces the only doc talk show BYOD & is the Founder/CEA of ATOTALDISRUPTION.COM


131 West Loma Alta Drive
Altadena, CA 91001
United States
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My real life superpower is...

The ability to connect almost anyone on their wavelength and inspire mutual opening & questioning.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

David Bowie (all but especially Low, Ziggy Stardust & Lazerus), The National, T Rex always

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Circle & The Big Short screenplay

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Ocean Conservation/Overall Sustainability & Stopping Homelessness

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love to find a few more mentors in scripted filmmaking and television direction, as everyone does it differently and it's great to study the craft in action.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer guidance in documentary: Getting to the truth, to the story and telling it in an effective way. Also, I can share my tips on how to live life as an independent artist and all that requires both outside and inside oneself to not just survive, but to thrive.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

You are the engine and need to be maintained well to run well, long after the current challenge is accomplished. So make sure you take care of yourself, no matter what. Listen not just to what you know you need to do to accomplish the goal, but also when you need to rest and regenerate. Your instincts are honed when they are headed.

Ori Cohen

CTO @ SelinaHostels.com


I’m a free-spirited entrepreneur that focus on uncovering the functional, emotional and social circumstances that influence customers. Found that my most creativeness intersection is between my lifelong inspiring love for innovative technologies, psychology, music and aesthetics. Recently I joined an amazing team that in the making of creating a unique breed of hospitality product.


Tel Aviv, Israel 69350
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My real life superpower is...

Depth Observation

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Chet Faker
The Neighbourhood

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Medici Effect
Jobs To Be Done

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Human Resources

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Every single one of them

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Products, Human behaviour, Startups, Entrapnuership, Communities

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Learn meditation! it contains all life's aspects.

Oz Zechovoy

Interior & industrial designer / carpenter / creative director for Selina


Oz is a 27 Years old multi-media craftsman from TEL-AVIV Israel, based in Panama since 2014. He started to work with his hands at a young age, when he was 15 yrs old became a classic car collector, moved to professional racing and served for 3 years in IDF. He was working in designing aspects of the night life scene of TEL AVIV for 4 years and became known the TEL AVIV art scene, as one of the most unique artists in ISRAEL. Oz was then recruited to Panama City by Dekel Development, to be the Creative Director for Selina Hostels, which is re-imagining a hostel by converging co-work and co-play spaces for digital nomads. The world is your office.

Now as Creative Director for Selina, Oz is leading all creative and design efforts as Industrial designer, interior designer, carpenter, artist, architectural installations, and more. He's also leading the efforts in hand-crafting all furniture art, and fixtures by up-cycling found trash, rubble, and debris and giving second life to previously consumed resources. Selina is only a year old, and is quickly growing from 2 locations to 10 by the end of 2016, and over 90 premiere locations within the next 4 years. To accomplish scaling at this rate with such artisan craftsmanship, Oz has been training ex-gang members to be carpenters, builders, and welders. Oz never studied in any college/university, always believed in his own way of learning and doing, and now he's mentoring,


Casco viejo avenida b panama
Panama City, panama 20020
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My real life superpower is...

"logic will take you from A to B .
imagination will take you anywhere "


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tame Impala , NOGA EREZ

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Middle east

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

mental disorders , psychology, professional carpentry and construction , basketball , music , art&design

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

the only advice o could have give , is doing what you believe in .

Pamela Aragon

Student, Kalu Yala Institute


Pamela is currently a Farm to Table Kalu Yala student. She is beginning a journey of exploration in the search for a sustainable food system. Pam loves conversations on making humanity thrive, exploration of the mind and anything wacky.


Costa del Este, Royal Pacific, #25
Pamela, Pamela 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Elasticity: my super power is being flexible, with the mind. Being receptive to new situations has pushed me into a life I love.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Devendra Banhart and Erykah Badu

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Joe Rogan Experience - Podcast

Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

HATCH Network! I call on you to activate your potential to fix a broken system, our food industry. It is an enormouos issue that is present all around the world, so tackling it may seem like a daunting task and perhaps useless. However, it is imperative that we, the minds of the present, begin to address this complex set of problems. How can we create a sustainable food system that nourishes our population.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love to receive mentorship in organization and planning for life in general but specially for projects and startups. I am currently working on a local food sourcing project with Kalu Yala which needs mentorship in this area.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I can offer knowledge on Jiu Jitsu! I am a blue belt and I love sharing my skills. I also practice yoga and meditation and can insight on these.

Also, If you need tricks on healthy eating and creating nourishing meals, I'm your girl.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

I would tell young Pam, "you do you girl" Follow your heart and your interests, forget about what the masses are doing, you do you.


co-founder Lovill-Latamlex, HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Founding partner of López, Villanueva & Heurtematte – Lovill LatamLex, where she heads the real estate law department and provides legal advice to local and international companies developing real estate projects in Panama. Patricia is passionate about New Urbanism, and is a founding member of the Council of New Urbanism Panama.
She also seats on the board of Vital Voices Panama where she overlooks the female entrepreneur Mentorship Program. She is also a licensed real estate broker and translator. Mom to Vicky and Gaby.


avenida aquilino de la guardia, ocean business plaza 2301
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My real life superpower is...

omniprescence. I have the power to be in many places at the same time

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

are you kidding me.. I have a 4 and a 2 year old.. so.. soundtrack to the Little Mermaid and Sophia the First. All I listen to =(

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Think Like a Freak
Great by Choice

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Female entrepreneurship in our region

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

online business (course creation)

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

running a Service firm (brick and mortar)

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don´t listen to others when deciding upon your future

Patrick Dillon

ENSITU, Estudio Remoto, Junglewood Design, Colegio de la Tierra


I´m an architect and planner, born and raised in Gamboa, where the Chagres River flows into the Panama Canal. After studying, living and working abroad for nearly 25 years, I returned to Panama to work in civil construction before starting my architectural practice- ENSITU. I am also VP of el Colegio de la Tierra, director of Junglewood Design, and co- founder of Estudio Remoto, focused on tropical architecture typically in, with and ultimately for remote communities. I currently live in Panama City with my wife Zoila and our two kids Lucia and Wilson.


Calle Jose Martí
El Cangrejo
Panamá, Panamá 0816-03408
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My real life superpower is...

Connecting people to do get things done.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Wayne Shorter Quartet
Fela Ransome Kutu and the Africa 70, but unfortunately Fela is dead

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Poetics of Space- Gaston Bachelard
The Eyes of the Skin- Juhani Pallasma

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Bringing resources and education to remote communities in Panama.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Working to develop remote communities so that they can help themselves and quit depending on handouts from corrupt politicians.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Architecture, planning, working in remote communities in difficult conditions.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Stop waiting for someone else to make things happen for you and do it yourself- I´ll help.

Peter Strom

Integral Facilitator / Ten Directions, HATCH N. America Advisory Board


Entrepreneur | Collaborator | Integrator | Facilitator. Pete has co-created seven restaurant concepts, and co-founded energy efficiency and angel investing companies. He is a Certified Integral Facilitator, Adjunct Professor at MSU’s College of Business, TEDx Speaker, and is a Licensed clinical professional counselor with a Masters in human development. Loves playing Hockey & Tennis, Parenting, Songwriting , Integral Theory, and Zen Meditation.


251 Southview Ridge Ln
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Fluid Perspective Taking & Artful Collaboration.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Alabama Shakes
Dan Mangan

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Die Wise - Stephen Jenkinson
Podcast- Aspen Ideas To-go

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Climate Change

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Personal and Organizational Change.
Entrepreneurial Operating Systems
Event Design and Facilitation
Contemplative & Transformational Practices

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Start a meditation practice. Invest in facebook.

Pili Montilla

TV Host & Producer


EMMY winning TV host & producer, actress & social media influencer, Pili has made a name for herself as the "go to" host in the bilingual entertainment world. Always immersed in the world of music, Pili has built a solid reputation as a music reporter in the fast growing alternative music scene. Pili created, produces & hosts the EMMY winning music show ‘Té Para Tres con Pili Montilla’ where she spends a day in the life of Latin musicians as they share their stories and music. Through her interviewing skills & connection with the artist she gives her audience an inside look into their lives.


2323 S. Bentley Ave.
Apt. 204
Los Angeles, CA 90064
United States
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My real life superpower is...

my curiosity. As much as it sometimes gets me in trouble, it always pushes me to explore and connect at a deeper level.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Orquesta El Macabeo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Woman Destroyed (Simone De Beauvoir)
La Catedral del Mar (Ildefonso Falcones)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Immigration. It is such a convoluted, worldwide issue. So much beauty has come of it, yet so much hatred and harm as well. Given it's complexity, it seems extremely difficult to find an adequate solution. It'd be interesting to see how the HATCH network approaches this topic and what kind of solutions would be presented.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

In "selling" myself and living fearlessly.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

In finding your niche and exploring ways to create something to target it. Also in connecting with people and building/expanding your network.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Create your own opportunities. Don't wait for someone to knock on your door and give you "the job" or that "experience" you seek. Go make it, create it and do it yourself!

Pradiip Alvarez

Consultant, United Nations


Pradiip is an Astrophysicist and a Social Entrepreneur. He has served as Science Contributor at IQ Latino, World Humanitarian Summit Project Assistant at the United Nations, Co-Founder of the Ebola Challenge, and Host of TEDxFSU. As a finalist of the Rising Star Programme, Pradiip almost became the 1st Venezuelan Astronaut and one of the youngest persons to fly to outer space. He has been named the World’s 2nd Most Stylish Scientist, one of Venezuela’s 40 Most Successful People, and received an award by NASA for his keynote speech "The Power of Collaboration" at Kennedy Space Center.


Calle Los Guayacanes. PH Sun City.
Albrook, Ancón.
Panama, Panama 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Working with other influencers from around the world to ensure that life in our planet is as beautiful as it looks from space.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Linkin Park and Foo Fighters

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Orbital Perspective and The Martian

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Helping develop the technologies and resources to provide internet to a significantly higher percentage of the world's population. Ending discrimination based on religion, disability, national origin, race, color, sex, etc.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Programming, Public Speaking, Writing, Social Entrepreneurship.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Astronomy, International Affairs, Public Speaking, Social Media, Leadership.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Listening is more important than speaking. Focus on being a great listener.

Rafael Perdomo

Co founder Atomica Consulting, Co founder & CEO Farmaentrega.com


Entrepreneur Latam business consultant for several years. Co founder & CEO Farmaentrega.com an 2 year start up, on line pharmacy build to be a innovation solution for patients with chronic diseases on central america. Co Founder Atomica Consulting, innovation consulting focused on helping multinational health companies to change their way of management, their view of what the real latam world and social needs are, implementing innovation culture on their board, start up techniques as a way of changing their way of giving value to society and their local stakeholder. Generating social impact.


Ph Porto Real
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My real life superpower is...

leadership, game changer, implementing innovation solutions where is not suppose to be. good for fighting paradigmas.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?


What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

value proposition design

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

i have been helping the biggest latam companies for several years, i have plenty of high level contacts on different sectors, i would love to help our local leaders to change their way the do business. helping them to connect with differents ways of thinking, innovation to generate higher satisfaction of social needs. i love to share my thoughts, experience and beliefs with others professionals that are trying to do things different. i believe we can change the world from our expertise and network, and also believe is regional team work job that we can all collaborate.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

i have been working for the last 3 years trying to connect old way of managing companies with innovation and entrepreneurship, i believe we can change their way of doing business to have a sustainable business generating higher social impact to latam world. i love to hear experience of people trying to things different like me. trying to change 30 or more years doing things on a short term of time. trying to help profit companies to generate more social impact.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

experience on health start ups, consulting, innovation on old school people, how to innovate on high legal regulated sectors. how to change old leaders ways of management to generate more social impact.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

i would tell them to not be afraid of being different, of thinking different and trying things they are not suppose to do. i would them that the best way of having a successful personal growth is by helping others to growth. i would let them view what the real world is, the real social needs are. that not everyone has the same opportunities. and that we can not stop fighting the way companies see the world and focus their business to generate each day lower social impact.

Rafi Museri

Co-Founder Dekel Group & Selina Hostels


Rafael has over fifteen years of experience in international real estate development, and is the co-founder of Dekel Development and Selina Hostels. The Dekel Group is making places for today’s lifestyles and tomorrow’s generation, and Selina is re-imagining the modern day hostel by converging co-work and co-play spaces for digital nomads. Selina is only a year old, and is quickly growing from 2 locations to 10 by the end of 2016, and over 90 locations within the next 4 years.


Heurtematte & Cia Building
Central Avenue
Panama City, Panama 976976
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My real life superpower is...

Seeing the big picture

Raquel Villarreal

Content Strategist/Self-employed


Raquel Villarreal is a proactive and innovative content strategist with more than 7 years of experience designing and executing editorial production. She honed her editorial skills in bilingual and bicultural environments, launching web properties such as eHow en Español and Livestrong.com en Español, nurturing them to surpass 50 million unique users per month. Prior to that, she developed content strategies for publishers such as National Geographic, USA Today, Hearst newspapers. You can find her practicing yoga and juicing on her free time.


Lago Zurich 245 Torre 3 Apto. #503
Mexico City, Distrito Federal 11529
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My real life superpower is...

Cultivating kindness, gratitude & compassion.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tame Impala & ODESZA

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Loyalty to Your Soul, by Ron & Mary Hulnik. Also, How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

In México, farmers are having trouble selling corn because they're having to compete with corn that is imported from the U.S. It's becoming cheaper to import it from the U.S. since it's subsidized there, instead of growing it. This is very unfortunate since corn has been a staple food of the Mexican diet for centuries. It threatens farmer's livelihoods, as well as their ability to keep a natural, non-genetically modified strain from disappearing. Essentially, I'd love to help with trying to keep Monsanto from doing in México what they've done in the U.S. to strains of corn.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Entrepreneuriship. I've been working in the corporate world ever since I graduated college, and I'm now starting a new chapter in my life in which I want to dedicate myself to freelancing and consulting, employing the experience I've gained so far. I've never done this before, so an insight would be greatly appreciated!

I'd also love to have a mentor to help me understand the data science & analytics world. I'm seeking to start a master's degree in that field in 2017, so any prep work I can start doing toward that would help me be better prepared.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Content strategy & social media, engaging audiences and knowing what makes them tick so as to elicit responses. If there are people out there seeking to understand the content & editorial world, I can help.

Also, soul-searching. I've practiced going deep within myself for many years, and have taken courses on spiritual psychology to get me there. I'm happy to share some of the knowledge I've acquired in this space.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

I had a conversation recently with my 13-year old self. I told myself deep within that going through hardship at that tender young age was part of life, and that it was ok not knowing how to express thoughts or feelings when I didn't have the words or means to do so at that time. But it IS important to process life events as I grow wiser, so I tell myself to use the tools life has given me to go back and reshape my memories. Even if it takes decades, I'm telling my younger self to use life's learnings to remember past events in ways that serve my highest self and nurture my soul.

Remi Lemieux

CEO - Founder, LembasWorks


Remi Lemieux is a Technical Director, Operations Strategist, Executive Producer, Innovative Catalyst and environmentalist at heart. This business / law student spent the last 18 years learning the working dimensions of the global entertainment industry with the Cirque Du Soleil, In 2013, he co founded LembasWorks, an artistic / technical consulting firm...to create transformative and immersive conceptual experiences for artists, performance venues and entertainment events alike, while innovating with traditional modes of production to introduce sustainable solutions for ecological resources.


2285 Ekers #217
Montreal, Quebec H3S1C6
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My real life superpower is...

Having the ability to setup a great show in any setting/weather condition/country/planet/language/mood.

Ricardo Soares

DeRose Method


Ricardo Soares consults, advises and trains High Performance entrepreneurs and sportsmen all over the world. He is the Mentor and founder of the DeRose Method school in TriBeCa. His focus lies in entrepreneurship, conflict management, relationships and overcoming limits as a path to self-knowledge!
Ric has been working with the DeRose methodology for the last 15 years and helping clients that need to be functioning at peak performance levels. His students include olympic athletes, professional racecar drivers, CEOs, and leaders from around the world.


55 Murray Street
NYC, NY 10007
United States
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My real life superpower is...

My real life super power is high performance and teach it to others.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Pearl Jam and Nitin Sawhney

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Margarita and the Master - Mikhail Bulgakov
Tropic of cancer - Henry Miller

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Personally I just see it to help expanding the methodology I teach.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I already have to my life.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Life and business planning. High performance in business and sports. Entrepreneurship. Conflict management.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be more patient and enjoy more life.

Russell Spurlock

Founder / Whatnot Industries / Hatch Ostinato Project / HatchMX


Russell Spurlock has toured with live bands, played music festivals, and studio gigs and now composes for film and television and runs the production music library, Whatnot Industries. Though primarily a guitarist, Russell also plays sax and a bit of flute, banjo, drums, piano... whatever needs playin'
Russell has scored and composed the Title Themes for many reality shows and game shows including the Emmy Award winning Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution (ABC).


1818 1/2 Washington Way
Venice, California (CA) 90291
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Billy Shaddox

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Tim Ferris Podcast
This American Life

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

More music for kids in school!

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business / Music Business
I've mostly had to figure it out on my own and could always use guidance

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Composing and Music Licensing

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Get out of your shell and connect with people. Don't be afraid of anything.

Ryan Kushner

Communications + Partnerships / Energy Excelerator


I am focused making the world work for 100% of humanity, using the power of cleantech to create a healthier, more just, prosperous and safer world. Climate change is a lever - let's use it to create maximum good.

I work with Energy Excelerator, a non-profit cleantech incubator funded by the Navy, Department of Defense, Department Of Energy, and others. We fund 15 companies a year, up to $1m per company and use Hawaii as a test-bed to scale renewable energy (solar energy, wind power and more) water tech, sustainable agriculture etc.

Work hard, play hard.


1206 Haight St.
San Francisco, California 94117
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Being able to have a conversation with anyone, and making them smile.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

David Grisman
Steely Dan

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Planet Money (podcast)
The Energy Gang (podcast)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I am focused on cleantech development and deployment, so any allies in that are great.

Last year I led an effort to help Burning Man create a sustainability policy/plan. Help, ideas on that are also welcome.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Anything in energy or environment - I'm a sponge and want to know more.

My pet interest is astronomy/cosmology/quantum physics and I always have questions that I need plain language answers to. Can I text you at random?!

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Life, career, cleantech!

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Be unapologetic about what you like and don't like, but don't be lazy or close-minded. Let your geekiness and your passion drive you into rabbit holes - you'll always learn something. Elevate your heart rate once a day.

Sami Bierman



Sami is from Bozeman, Montana and will be attending Quest University this fall. Prior to graduating, she did humanitarian work in India and Nicaragua. These experiences opened her eyes to a new facet of the world and inspired her to continue to expand her horizons. Currently she's in South America participating in various projects including sustainable farming in Ecuador and assisting a medical team in underserved areas of Boliva. Sami hopes to combine her passions for photography, feminism and environmental awareness to affect sustainable, positive change. She's honored to be a part of HATCH.


1121 S. Cedarview
Bozeman, Montana 59715
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Lake Street Dive

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

NPR's Invisibilia (podcast series)
Collapse by Jared Diamond (book)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Education- making it more accessible to all people in developing countries

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love to have a mentor who could teach me about environmental issues, and alternative solutions to help resolve those issues. To have someone who could brainstorm ideas about education reform with me or someone with whom I could discuss feminist ideals and how best to bring about equality. In addition to these things, I would really appreciate a photography mentor who could help me improve my skill and knowledge of telling stories visually.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Although I am young, I feel as though I could offer help to those who want to travel and to those who are in school, studying. Additionally, I could help mentor people who want to learn Spanish or who want to learn more about feminism.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

If I could give advice to a younger version of myself, I would want to say that
the world is a beautiful thing- although it may be scary and overwhelming and seemingly plagued with problems, don't hesitate to leap with open arms and search for good in all places.

Samuel Larson

Managing Director, Owner


Sam is Managing Director and Rainforest Capital's Senior Resource Economist. Before joining ranks with Rainforest Capital, he was Founder and CEO of Ceiba Forestry, LLC. Prior to his work in the conservation and agroforestry space, Sam helped launch Sylvatex, a successful biofuel technology company, where he spearheaded business development, patent licensing and financial modeling, as well as analysis on the firm’s carbon life-cycle and GHG emissions credits.
Early in his career, Sam worked on environmental impact analysis and agroforestry microfinance with Geovic Mining Group in Cameroon.


930 Tahoe Blvd #802-373
Incline Village, Nevada 89451
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Conservation of our mother earth and all of her children...

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Fela Kuit and Buraka Sound Systema

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Democracy Now (podcast) and "The path between two seas" (book)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Biological and cultural conservation; sustainable enterprise and livelihood development; market based, scaled investment vehicles to underpin the previous two.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Public speaking.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Environmental economics; renewable energy project development, business development; land mgmt. strategies; off market and rural real estate development; start-up and fundraising strategies.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Make sure you just jump into the unknown with confidence; you'll learn how to fly on the way down.

Saskia Nino de Rivera Cover

Reinserta Un Mexicano


Born and raised in Mexico City. Concerned for Mexico´s security problems I founded Reinserta Un Mexicano, a nonprofit organization that works inside the prison system to create social reintegration programs. Our aim is to achieve substantial changes in rehabilitation of women, children and juvenile delinquents. I also worked as Director of Prison Liaison at the National Anti-Kidnapping Coordination within the Federal Government, and currently represent society in creating, with the federal government, a way to evaluate Mexican’s prison system.


Zamora 75 Apt. 1408
Colonia Condesa
Mexico City, Cuauhtemoc 06140
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My real life superpower is...

Making visible the invisible.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Los Tigres del Norte

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

God´s Ilusion.
Don Quijote de la Mancha

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Social Justice
Social Responsability

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I look forward to meeting a lot f people and learning from every story. I would love to be mentored in creativity in order to do things differently and create new opportunities. Systematization administration and long-term projects. Crowd founding.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Creating a non profit organization. Mentor in emotional intelligence in cases of high risk population. Risk negotiation and prison system.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Everything is going to be ok. You will always have the strength to overcome all type of obstacles in life. Worry not.

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova

Chairman - PVBLIC Foundation


Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Co-founder and visionary behind P3 Global Management, P3GM & PVBLIC Foundation. For P3GM he leads the global development and policy work behind structuring Public Private Partnerships (PPP) around smart infrastructure with local, state and federal governments. As acting Chairman of PVBLIC he leads the foundations engagement with the White House, United Nations and hosts the Media For Social Impact Summit in partnership with UNOP, where C-Level executives convene to inspire each other on how media can change the world one campaign at a time.


1 west street
New York, NY 10004
United States
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My real life superpower is...

Connecting the dots and helping create strong partnership between the public and private sectors to change the world.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Tool & Coldplay

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

tipping point and Atlas Shrugged

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Sustainable Development and using media for impact

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

meditation and time management

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

politics, media, smart city, public private partnerships, leadership, UN related topics etc.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

life is nothing but a collection of experiences. Don't ever give up - life is full of obstacles, if you have not experienced the obstacles you are not experiencing life.

Shannon Hughes

Principal & Lead Strategist, Spur Studio Creative Marketing Group


Principal and Lead Strategist for Spur Studio; a small but mighty marketing firm based in Montana. Lover of big adventures, calculated risks, and the soul expansion that comes with both.
Heartfelt writing, closed loop systems and regenerative agriculture light my fire.


1222 N. 8th Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Vallis Alps
Frightened Rabbit

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Botany of Desire - Michael Pollen
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear (podcast)

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

transition to a sustainable, abundant world.
using regenerative agriculture in urban areas to address hunger, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental issues.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Scaling my business without losing creative excellence or time for myself.
Approaching hard business conversations.
Writing and creating art from the heart w/out self-censoring.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Marketing strategy and writing for a specific audience.
Taking time for play.
Taking risks.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Let go more often.

Silvia Escamilla Amarillo

Narnia, SA


Spanish architect, Master degree in Architecture and sustainable cities. After one-year scholarship in Venice, moved to Barcelona for two-year work experience and then to Seville where collaborated at international recognized offices. Established own office in 2003 combining research, teaching and professional practice. Has been awarded for some of her built projects and invited to hold conferences and workshops by different Universities in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Brazil. Has been in charge of curatorships at international architecture competitions, photography exhibitions and publications.


Hacienda Country Club, Casa Amarilla
Subida a Cerro Azul
Panama, Panama 0000
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My real life superpower is...

Loving my profession and making dreamed projects possible

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Beatles, always the Beatles...

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

- "El aroma del tiempo", Byung-Chul Han
- "Ítaca". C. P. Cavafis
- "La imagen corpórea. Imaginación e imaginario en la arquitectura". Juha

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

- Sense and sensibility in Architecture
- Building from real Essence of Architecture

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?


What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Enjoy every step of the journey...

Simon Zebede



Studied interactive communications in Herzliya, Israel. Simon now runs Tomorrow Digital Project in Panama City, the country´s unique innovation agency. Its part of the DDB agency network and handles important accounts such as Nike, Mcdonalds, Energizer , Banistmo (Bancolombia) and many local retail chains.
Simon specializes in Viral and Innovation Marketing, he es trying to redefine the way marketers think in Panama and shifting the scope from Media to content marketing.
Simon is also founding partner at Workings, a pioneer Coworking space in the region.
Hobbys: Reggae singer and Space Exp.


Obarrio, Edf Plaza 54 piso 1
Tomorrow Digital Project
Panama, panama 99999
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My real life superpower is...

Creative Content Marketing and latin music.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Señor Loop and Wilson Kriminal (me)

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

George Carlin - Napalm and Silly Putty
The power of Habit.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Innovation in developing countries.
Future thinking.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Expanding from medium enterprise to running a big agency or group.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Creativity, music, startup.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Time goes forward only... (for now)

Spencer Hunter

Director of Culinary Arts - Kalu Yala Institute


A chef at heart, an analyst in nature, pursuing to further sustainable food management and overall sustainable development, Spencer Hunter is the Director of the Farm-to-Table Culinary Arts program at Kalu Yala Institute. With a background in Sustainable Tourism Development & Management from Arizona State University, Hunter has gained experience in the hospitality and tourism industry from working in restaurants & hotels to special event management, catering, fine dining, and cooking as a private chef. Born and raised in San Diego, California, Hunter currently resides in Kalu Yala, Panama.


3910 Via Romaya
National City, CA 91950
United States
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My real life superpower is...

The ability to stay calm, cool, and collected: Doctor Chill. I have the superpower to not over react and to keep a chill demeanor.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

People Under the Stairs

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Cradle to Grave

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Sustainable food management and sustainable community development

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I would love to have a mentor in the sustainability sector specifically in the food management (distribution). I also would like a mentor who in the culinary arts to further my passion in cooking.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Sustainable Food Management
Culinary Arts

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Keep relationships and friendships strong, networking is more valuable than any skill set.

Stefani De La O

Founder / The Nomadic Collector


Born in Costa Rica, raised in the US and educated in Europe, Stefani's diverse upbringing and ethnic background have led her to believe we are a product of where we have been, what we have seen but foremost by what we have learned. She has spent her life on the road, a global nomad, adventurer & avid collector of all things intriguing. It is this globetrotting wisdom & studies in art, architecture, fashion & industrial design which led her to build and create goods where functionality and sustainability meet attractive design.


Edificio Centro Colon
Numero 1
San Jose, San Jose 10102
Costa Rica
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My real life superpower is...

My strength, physically and mentally ... plus I can build us off a deserted island.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

The Weekend is a guaranteed good time and Bach is always a good idea.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

The Post American World by Fareed Zakaria - provides the basic framework of the current sociopolitical world stage

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

The only global problem that concerns us all and all other issues are related to - climate change

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I have never had a mentor, and have created my own direction in the field of design. I never formally studied business, so being an autodidact in that field, insight and support in bringing my vision for a sustainable design business to life would be ideal.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

I would love pass my knowledge in all things design and sustainability to others.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Always trust your instinct, it will never fail you, because there is no such thing as failure unless you decide to stop trying.

stefany cohen

Stefy Cohen, HATCH Latin America Advisory Board


Promoter of Entrepreneurship, by day. Cookie-Monster & Story- teller, by night.


magnolias 41
costa del este
panama, panama 550136
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Bomba Stereo

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Einsteins Dreams

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Education and Entrepreneurship in Latam

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business Development

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Public Speaking
Starting Up

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Not now does not mean not ever.

Stephen Sanford

President / Salient Technologies, Inc.


Stephen grew up in Alaska with a love for music, art, and design. After attending university in Alaska and Montana (go Cats!), he received Mechanical Engineering degree and now co-owns a creative product design company, Salient Technologies, Inc., with David Yakos. Focused on drawing from both hemispheres of the brain, STI has designed thousands of products, from award-winning pet toys to NASA-acclaimed space valves. Stephen has a passion for physical user experience design and ergonomics, and his contributions to the invention of active pediatric seating helps young people every day.


3701 Trakker Trail, Unit 2A
Bozeman, United States 59718
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I can take an idea from your head and put it in your hands.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

Business development

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Design and engineering, design with empathy

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't worry about what the world says, follow your heart/faith/passion. And then don't give up so easily on the important things.

Stephen Pratt

CEO of Noodle Analytics


Instigator. Agitator. Geek.

Steve is the CEO of Noodle Analytics. His company offer services & platforms in the field of advanced analytics & artificial intelligence. Using Math to improve the world.

Before Noodle, Steve was the global leader of Watson for IBM Global Services. (think Jeopardy!).

Previously, Steve was the Founder & CEO of Infosys Consulting. He is an alumnus of Deloitte Consulting and Booz, Allen. He twice was voted a top management consultant in the world.

For fun he competes in tennis, sailboat racing, and formerly rugby.


209 Crocker Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94610
United States
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My real life superpower is...


What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Cash Cash
The Who

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

StartUp Podcast
Probably Approximately Correct, Leslie Valiant

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

Artificial Intelligence

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?


Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Growing a business.
Making data driven decisions.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

If you see a good idea and everything thinks you are crazy, go for it.

Susan Israel

Founder/Climate Creatives & Energy Necklace Project


Susan founded Climate Creatives & ENP to engage, educate and empower people to act on climate change. She uses art because data alone doesn’t do it: behavioral change begins with an emotional commitment. Susan creates participatory public art installations, sustainability leadership workshops, campus programs, STEAM exercises, group shows, and her own artwork for businesses, non-profits, communities and schools. A LEED accredited architect, she practiced in her own firms for over 20 years, attended Harvard College, Harvard Graduate School of Design, BMFA art school, and has hatched 3 kids.


111 Dane Hill Road
Newton, Massachusetts 02461
United States
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My real life superpower is...

I’m an idea factory: to solve problems, engage people, and think through implementation critically to create a way forward.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

Beatles and Ray Charles, now and always. Good is good.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

Connective Leadership, Jean Lipman-Blumen: leadership for change. The Big Pivot, Andrew Winston: rings the bell for business & climate.

If you could activate the HATCH network to collaborate on one or two particular issues or problems, what would it/they be?

I am working on saving species and preventing suffering, human and other, by using art to convey science and engage people emotionally on climate change. I have been working on launching Climate Salons - facilitated working sessions that bring together creatives from all disciplines - to catalyze multidisciplinary teams in different cities to work on climate change solutions. I would love to collaborate with the HATCH network to launch Climate Salons faster and better - to have more impact. I also have created a sustainability leadership program that I would like to grow.

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

I need help making Climate Creatives financially sustainable and robust to grow. Help thinking about business model, governance structure, (Corp vs 501C3), new key relationships, funding sources. Getting ready for what might be some expansive growth this year and next. Planning for an enlarged team. Finding and managing pro-bono help and interns.

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

Sustainability thinking in organizations: how does a venture lower their carbon footprint, increase their humanity? What factors should they consider? Leadership/innovation team building. Building a network. Rallying volunteers. Personal reinvention and perseverance.

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Follow your passion. Have faith in yourself. You can have a huge impact on the world if you think you can. There's no one out there more suited to doing what you want to do if you are fully committed. And if you're not fully committed, find something else. If something isn't working, make a change.

Susana Aramburú



I am a 24 year old Panamanian photographer, writer, adventure enthusiast and cultural engineer. I was born and raised in Panama City and left at 16 to get the IB Diploma in Marymount International School of London.
In 2011, I came up with the word "PTYOLOGY" and started a blog about my perspective of Panama, which now has more than 8 thousand followers.
Graduated in 2013 from Loyola University New Orleans with a degree in Communications and a minor in Graphic Design.
In March 2016, I will begin working as a cultural engineer for EDIFYCA, an urbanism developer company in Panama.


PH Murano, Paseo del Mar
Costa del Este, Panamá
Panamá, PANAMA 00000
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My real life superpower is...

Communicating with people and making them feel welcomed and understood through empathy, compassion and the right use of language.

What 1 or 2 bands do you recommend right now?

My favorite singer/song writer in spanish is Natalia Lafourcade; in english I would always recommend James Blake.

What 1 or 2 books or podcasts do you recommend right now?

"The Buddha Walks Into a Bar" by Lodro Rinser
Podcast: OffCamera with Sam Jones

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

- Financial mentoring: How to better manage my money, how much to charge for my services, etc.
- Mentoring on organizational skills
- Mentoring on education: to get a masters degree or not to get a masters degree ?

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Take some time off after high school and try new things, meet new people, see what's out there and then decide what you want to study in college. Work harder. Pay more attention to the opportunities you are given. Read more. Get involved. When you don't know enough about something, research it, ask questions.

Tanya Thompson

Head of Global Product Sourcing and Development/Mastermind Toys


Tanya Thompson is passionate about changing the world through PLAY. She is the Head of Global Product Sourcing and Development for Mastermind Toys, the largest specialty toy chain in North America. She scours the globe looking for the best products that delight children. She is on the boards of HATCH – a community of creative thought leaders HATCHing a better world, the Chicago Toy and Game Group – a community of creatives and professionals from the toy and game industry, and SNAP Mathematics Foundation - an education initiative that inspires children in math using games and puzzles.


32 McKean Blvd
Nottawa, ON L0M1P0
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My real life superpower is...

changing the world through play

What are some areas where you would like to have a mentor?

How to build and grow an International Division of a Retail Company
How to be an Inspirational Leader

Alternatively, in what areas can you offer mentorship?

How to navigate the Toy and Game Industry
How to create a viable toy or game

What piece of advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Go Outside Your Comfort Zone - That's Where The Magic Happens!