Impact Case Studies
HATCH is a network of world-shapers that mentor and mutually invest in one another. As positive things happen #becauseOfHATCH, the tag is used to help track the many projects and initiatives that grow from HATCH to create a global movement for good.
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Equity & The Arts

Quentin Robinson
Quentin has been dancing for almost 20 years and has been featured on many platforms such as The Super Bowl, BET, Zoe's Summer Groove, Telemundo2, The Roof x2, the Florida Fly competition and more.
Movements for Movements
When Quentin Robinson arrived at Moonlight Lodge for HATCH Big Sky 2016, he had no idea he would be making a global impact within months of HATCH by sharing his talent and passion for movement with a community of refugees in Uganda, and later connecting global networks of students through artistic performance. In 2019 Quentin founded his non-profit, Movements 4 Movements, a dance/movement therapy in the treatment of trauma related to poverty and violence.
Less than one month from saying yes to the idea, Quentin had raised the necessary funding (with significant support from his new HATCH community), and was on his way to bring the creative outlet of dance to the Makavili Refugee Settlement in Uganda.
The results were instantaneous and powerful. Children and adults alike immersed themselves in the moment and gave their all to the choreography, huge smiles on their faces throughout. From this experience, Quentin became acutely aware of not only the potential that dance has in breaking social barriers, but of the inescapable need for dance/movement therapy in impoverished and traumatized communities. Dance is a shared universal language, no matter socioeconomic class, gender, race, or nationality.
In 2019, Quentin founded the non-profit Movements 4 Movements (M4M) to empower others with movement for movement on the basis of empowerment, trust, unity, common ground, and expression. They are a team of experienced individuals dedicated to combating cultural, economic, and social barriers through the one language that is truly universal, movement.
- Arts
- Global