HATCH is a network of world-shapers that mentor and mutually invest in one another. As positive things happen #becauseOfHATCH, the tag is used to help track the many projects and initiatives that grow from HATCH to create a global movement for good.
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Rise Above is striving to put together a global Ambassador Program that will advocate and bring awareness to the SDG Impact Accelerator, this will provide a change in narrative and a clear on-ramp to global citizens who desire to work on and with refugee issues. The Ambassador Program aims to advocate and drive global citizens to the platform while changing the narrative of life as a refugee.
Recruitment strategy, Onboarding process and admin Narrative development, Network platform for ambassadors (for communication and collaboration), Large benefit concert, Satellite funding events – in different locations around the world, Global crowdfunding initiative, Funding – Goal of $3.5 – $5 million, Technical experts (coders, digital identity provider), Fundraisers, Campaign agency, Event promoter/ organizer, Storytellers and artists, PR team, Admin/development team
- Sustainability