Impact Case Studies
HATCH is a network of world-shapers that mentor and mutually invest in one another. As positive things happen #becauseOfHATCH, the tag is used to help track the many projects and initiatives that grow from HATCH to create a global movement for good.
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Ocean Plastics Crisis
Ocean Plastics Leadership Summit
In 2019, HATCH partnered with an expeditions company to convene, design, and facilitate the first Ocean Plastics Leadership Summit on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean at one the largest plastics gyres to work on solutions related to the ocean plastics crisis.
Over 10 million metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean each year, becoming micro-plastics, which is now in our food streams. Plastic has recently been confirmed as a global health crisis and highly dangerous to humans and to animals at every stage.
160 executives from corporate and NGO organizations came together to work on accelerating solutions for the global ocean plastics crisis. Companies representing $248 BILLION in aggregate revenue participated. HATCH was proud to lead the design, facilitation, and the Impact Labs, driving to actionable outcomes. The report below outlines some of the initiatives born from this rapid ideation and collaboration forging.
- Climate Action
- Ocean Health