Impact Case Studies
HATCH is a network of world-shapers that mentor and mutually invest in one another. As positive things happen #becauseOfHATCH, the tag is used to help track the many projects and initiatives that grow from HATCH to create a global movement for good.
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Regenerative Agriculture

Malou Anderson-Ramirez
Malou was raised on a multi-generational ranch in the mountains of Montana with a family deeply valuing education and open-minded thinking. After pursuing an education and a career in humanities, she's back at the ranch with her husband and daughters. She's proudly part of the "Keepers of the new West" movement and the stories arising from the ideas of protecting wild landscapes, keeping the good parts of agriculture alive, and healing the earth (and ourselves) through a deeper connection to the earth - while remaining open to the technologies that can help us do so.
TEAL Tag: Keepers of the New West
The American West is changing.
There are rising conflicts between livestock and wildlife, conventional (dated) agricultural practices are degrading the landscape and a generally negative impact from predator intolerance. That’s why we are developing Landscape Pairing technology with land ethics for a better tomorrow on large landscapes.
The TEAL Tag: A wellness microchip worn by cattle in predator dense areas, measuring GPS, body temperature, and heart rate, and paired to a smart phone providing crucial, real-time information through the use of IoT technology. This tech will help locate deceased or sick livestock, alert when they might be stressed due to the presence of a predator, and would know immediately if an animal is dead, how, and where to find it. This system will revolutionize safer landscapes by decreasing encounters between humans, livestock, and wildlife and widen the platform of tolerance of diverse landscapes in agriculture. Equally important (if not more) is this project's support and enhancement of conservation and protection of key wildlife species across the globe, ultimately changing the way we live with wildlife/predators everywhere.
This technology will allow for measurable data collection including hyper-local climate data, carbon ‘hoofprint’ data, humidity, etc. This is invaluable for land use managers, climate researchers, forest fire management, government, and more.
While scalability may look small (cattle in predator country), it's scalable capacity reaches into all sectors of agriculture and wildlife management on a global level.
$50K in seed funding
- Global
- Sustainability