HATCHing a Better World

The IMPACT LABS were created to bring together a global community to co-create solutions for major systemic problems in humanity at a time when solutions are most needed. HATCH has developed a prototype framework to leverage innovation and creative problem-solving methodologies while building momentum around current critical focus areas.

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Climate Change
Food Waste to Wealth

How might we mitigate climate change by diminishing food waste?

With the growing awareness of the impact food waste has on the environment and, more directly, people going hungry, companies in the food space can gain a competitive advantage actively focusing on this issue, our approach is twofold: 1. Foster partnerships between suppliers/manufacturers, food NGOs, innovative waste reducers and retailers to address the issue, to become a hub of social and economical food waste solutions 2. Create a “Energy Star” type badge for companies making a measurable impact, to be recognized nationally.