Thaly Germain
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Thaly Germain

Founder/CEO of Onward, an organization that empowers high-impact partners to create inclusive organizations. As CEO, she oversees program strategy, development, and implementation, partnering with nonprofits, companies, schools-systems, and communities to provide tailor-made change management plans, and customized learning experiences. Thaly also served as executive director of the Lynch Leadership Academy. Prior to that she was the executive director of aligned staff at New Leaders, a national leadership development organization, where she developed a strategic plan for improving leadership and achieving dramatic student academic gains across the Washington, DC charter sector. While serving as a principal in Washington, DC, and in teaching in New York and Washington, DC. While a DC charter school leader, Thaly’s school received the Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) “Silver Gain” award. In New York City, Thaly worked as an educator at Harry S. Truman High School, where she helped to establish the Peace and Diversity Academy. 

Twitter: @ThalyGermain | IG: @thisisonward