HATCHing a Better World

The IMPACT LABS were created to bring together a global community to co-create solutions for major systemic problems in humanity at a time when solutions are most needed. HATCH has developed a prototype framework to leverage innovation and creative problem-solving methodologies while building momentum around current critical focus areas.

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Creating Well Beings

How might we prioritize the emotional and psychological health of students, teachers, staff, and families within our public education system to increase learning possibilities and benefit society overall?

Creating Well Beings is a place to invite, collect and share free resources that fill in the learning gap at the intersection of mental & emotional health, and creative learning & critical thinking skills. Anyone in the education ecosystem can use these tools, and share those they find valuable. As soon as our Channel launches, youth nationally can begin to benefit from creative outlets and be connected to and inspired by other youth, not matter how far away they live. Creating Well Beings is a channel that meets students where they are, and empowers them to develop resilience & care for each other and themselves through creativity, imagination, and wonder.