HATCHing a Better World
The IMPACT LABS were created to bring together a global community to co-create solutions for major systemic problems in humanity at a time when solutions are most needed. HATCH has developed a prototype framework to leverage innovation and creative problem-solving methodologies while building momentum around current critical focus areas.
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Climate Change
Grow Your World
How might we design a modular and whole system to make gardening accessible to all?
The solution is an All in One growing system. The system is fully carbon neutral and functions off the grid. We use both passive and active water collection systems and make use of solar panels to pump that water to the plants. The plants are enclosed greenhouse that extends the growing season and expands the range in winch the product can be used. With the addition of compost, you also get the benefits of nutrient recycling. Built from a kit in an afternoon and installed anywhere from a parking garage roof to your own backyard, you can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables while also helping the planet.