Impact Case Studies
HATCH is a network of world-shapers that mentor and mutually invest in one another. As positive things happen #becauseOfHATCH, the tag is used to help track the many projects and initiatives that grow from HATCH to create a global movement for good.
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Equality & Environment
Brandon Kaufer
In his 20s, Brandon established himself as the bridge between entertainment & new ventures, but that was never the true source of fulfillment for him. Outside of work is where he found purpose, launching a conflict resolution program in prisons, bringing global communities together for gatherings around the world, and building community-led youth programs in Watts, Los Angeles. You’re meeting Brandon at an interesting moment where all the random pieces of his life have intersected into a new mission, bringing impact and influence together to create youth-focused new media formats.
The Social Good Club
A group of creators and audiences from around the world working directly with experts in social impact to learn how to create better lives for ourselves and the world around us.
The Social Good Club is a production company, but more importantly, a community working to co-create a better, more connected world.
The SGC is a group of influencers and audiences from around the world working directly with experts in social impact to learn how to create more sustainable lives for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.
Funding, systems design, impact measurement tools, partners in so many different places.
- Sustainability